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*A week later*

"Father you can't keep us hidden forever!" It was a cold day in the dark cacao kingdom and a prince and king we're having an argument on how his father was to overprotective towards him and his sister. "Why won't you understand boy it's for you and your sisters safety!" "What about our freedom huh?!" The sword was slowly taking over the prince and turning his anger into something else....Then everything felt as if it was In slow motion as his hands and legs moved on their own charging at his father staining him with his sword before landing on the ground. He finally gained control of himself and his eyes widened as he saw his father on the floor unconscious jam seeping out of him "FATHER!!" He screamed alarming everyone in the kingdom. In a few moments his sister came out with some doctors and once they saw the king unconscious on the floor,the doctors immediately picked him up and started yelling at each other to go faster the warriors watching the chaos unfold. The prince cried into his sister's chest tearfully explaining how he lost control and hurt his father not wanting to hurt him in the first place "shh,it wasn't your fault let's go see how father is doing alright?" She soothed her brother and helped him up and heading towards the castle doors. They both immediately went to the medbay but were denied access because their father's condition was so severe they didn't allow anyone to enter unless they were a doctor. Light vanilla lead her trembling twin to their shared bedroom. She opened the door and lead her brother to his bed tucking him in "the to get some rest okay brother? Father will be just fine I promise" he didn't respond he just hide under the blanket his twin let out a sigh before proceeding to go to her bed and fall asleep. The prince wasn't planning on sleeping tonight,he was going to run away everyone will be better without me he though tearfully to himself as he started packing his items into his bag and wrote a goodbye letter he then put on a brown cloak and planted a kiss on his sister's head before leaving the room a single tear was visible on his face. He started silently running out of the castle and then outside of the citadel where all the boats were neatly set between each other. The prince took one last look at the kingdom a cold breeze hitting his face as he did so then he turned around, covered his face with his cloak,got on the boat and departed.I'm sorry,father but this is for the best.

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