Only a matter of time

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The king was resting in his room while a doctor was checking on his wound the atmosphere in the air was tense as the doctor continued to check. "Your majesty,the wound has been healing wonderfully in a few days you will be able to lead the quest for your missing son!" "Thank you,affogato cookie" said cookie bowed before exiting the room leaving the king with his thoughts. His mind wandered off to his son who he had yet to find where could he be? "Daddy?" His daughters voice pulled him out of his thoughts the king shook his head before looking at the doorway. "C-can I stay?" "Of course" she didn't waste any time as she  jumped on the bed and started snuggling into her father. "Affogato told me about your injury is it true? Will we get to find my brother?" "Yes,yes we will it's only a matter of time before I'm able to lead the journey" his daughter squealed in excitement before hugging her father being careful of the injury across his chest.

* 8 days later*

It's been days since dark choco cookie had moved in with his new friends in the pure vanilla kingdom. He hasn't told anyone about his past and who he was and honestly,he wanted it to stay that way. Sometimes the household would get a visit from the kings son custard cookie. Those days were the brightest of days,something about the young royal made the atmosphere more brighter than any other cookie. Dark choco smiled at the memory as he continued to eat with his new friends. He finished his food and put his plate in the dishwasher before heading back to his room. He then pulled out a photo of his younger self and his sister being held by their father. A single tear fell down his face as he stared at the photo remembering all the memories he had with his father. "How could I have hurt you father?" He whispered to himself feeling more guilty than before. The prince decided to put away the family photo and get some sleep to hopefully forget about what he's done to his father.

A/N:sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be longer I just had no ideas for this one

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