Nightmares-or is it a vision?

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Dark choco was tossing and turning in his sleep he was having a nightmare and it wasn't a pleasant experience. Little did he know that it would come true in the future.

The young prince was outside the citadel when he saw his father with some other cookie with a sword that looked like him he tried crawling to his father but he just couldn't. Just then,the cookie ran towards his father and stained him "FATHER!" The cookie screamed as his father went unconscious. He was crying to trying to reach out to his father before he was shook awake by some unknown source.

"My son please wake up!" The young prince finally woke up from his nightmare still crying violently as he felt someone carry him out of his crib and rock him. Once he wiped his tears he looked up and saw that it was his father rocking him gently "papa!" He reached out to his face with tear filled eyes "shh it's alright my son,it was just a bad dream everything's fine now" his father said soothingly. Slowly yet surely,the prince dozed back off to sleep in his fathers arms who smiled sadly as his little boy before setting him down next to his twin sister who immediately cuddled into her brother. The king took a quick photo before heading back to bed feeling the worry in his heart disappear. He didn't know what his son dreamed about but it must be terrible if it was enough to make his son burst out into tears the minute he saw his father.

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