Their kingdoms,his help

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Light vanilla was on a cream wolf beside her father who was leading them to the hollyberry kingdom. It was decided that along the way dark cacao would reveal to each of his friends that he had children-twins,what would his friends think? He was embarrassed on having to explain to his friends how he needed help finding one of his children but he needed all the help he can get. Does this make me a bad father? Will they even be willing to help? Do they even want to talk to me? Those negative thoughts lingered in his head like a broken radio playing the same tape over and over again. He quickly shook his head and started focusing on the trail ahead that was filled with pink flowers and a few berries. This was a sign indicating that they were near the hollyberry kingdom. They continued to follow the path until they finally spotted the castle that belonged to the queen hollyberry cookie. His warriors had already reached the entrance and were amazed on how the kingdom looked. The king hadn't been to the hollyberry kingdom in years but it was no surprise he saw some cookie consisting of dough from the golden cheese kingdom. Ever since golden cheese cookie's kingdom got buried in the sand because of a tornado he'd also been told that the queen was still grieving over the loss of several of her cookies. "Alright warriors!" He yelled to gain their attention "leave the wolves at the entrance of the kingdom then we will go inside and request the aid of my dear friends" "yes sir!" The warriors yelled while his daughter just smiled at him. Everyone got off their assigned wolf and followed their king into the hollyberry kingdom.

Hollyberryians were everywhere drinking berry juice and partying the dark cacao warriors didn't like how at ease everyone looked,especially crunchy chip. He'd never admit to anyone,but he didn't like loud noises. It gave him anxiety and his ears would ring every time a battle got to loud or if anything was to loud at that matter. He quietly whimpered to himself and covered his ears after he made sure no one was looking. The small cookie felt at ease when he realized the music wasn't so loud with his ears covering them. Sure,he could still hear it but it wasn't as loud anymore just how he'd prefer it. It wasn't only until they were inside the Hollyberry castle that he'd removed his hands from his ears.

"Hollyberry cookie,golden cheese cookie,it is me,dark cacao cookie please come downstairs!" "Dark cacao cookie?! Are my ear's deceiving me?!" A loud cheerful echoed through the halls. Just then,a cookie with pink hair and two buns ran through the hallways,hollyberry cookie. Dark cacao cookie opened his arms preparing for the tackling hug he was about to receive. As predicted,he felt his friend jump into his arms knocking them both down. "Nice to see you too,hollyberry cookie" "I missed you dearly! Where have you been?! Why haven't you contacted any of use?! We thought something happened to you! Who's that girl over there?" "One question at a time,that girl over there is one of my children,light vanilla cookie" "your a father?!" She got off of him and went to go introduce herself to the princess. Light vanilla bowed as the queen stood in front of her "oh there no need to bow,we're both royalty after all!" The queen then started to laugh for a moment before starting at the child "if I heard correctly,your name is light vanilla cookie? My friend,did you name your daughter vanilla because of pure vanilla cookie?" "Yes, ever since we separated I've missed him dearly so I decided to name one of my children after his dough. But I'm afraid we didn't come here to reunite,I need your help dearly are you willing to hear me out?" "Of course my friend,what is it that you need?"

As the two ancients were talking crunchy chip caught sight of a cookie who was very tall. He held a stern expression and had a gauntlet on one of his arms,he was also wearing armor. Who's that? He thought to himself. The cookie then caught sight of him and he immediately looked away his cheeks started to go red. Dang it! Once dark cacao finished explaining the situation to his friend hollyberry looked at him sadly "is your injury alright? I could have one of my nurses take care of it for you!" "No,I've got it taken care of there's only a scar now" "that's good,I'll help you find your son my friend let me just go wake up golden cheese cookie,if she does" "what do you mean?" "She's been having nightmares lately about the downfall of her kingdom resulting in her not getting enough sleep" that was the last thing she had said to him before she ran to their friends room. A minute later the queen came back with golden cheese who was holding her hand while rubbing her eyes. She looks exhausted dark cacao thought to himself before embracing her in a hug. A sleepy smile appeared on the flying cookie as she slowly hugged her friend back "nice to see you again,dark cacao cookie" "same as you golden cheese cookie" they both let go and stared at each other before dark cacao started to introduce his friend to his daughter. "You're a father?" She mumbled sleepy "indeed,father of twins to be precise" "where's the other one?" "Missing,and I need your help finding him" "I'd be glad to help you" the three ancients smiled at each other before they all exited the castle with the dark cacao warriors following behind.

Crunchy chip covered his ears again after making sure no one was looking. They were outside and the noise hadn't lessened one bit much to his disappointment. Just then,he felt two strong arms cover his ears as well. He looked up and saw that it was the cookie he was staring at a few minutes ago. His face turned red and he looked away before removing the cookies hands away "you don't like the noise either?" The tall cookie spoke suddenly "no" the warrior mumbled "hm,mean either parties we're never my thing" "what's your name anyway?" "Wildberry cookie" "I'm crunchy chip a fellow dark cacao warrior" "you're quite small,how much do you eat?" "H-hey!" He stuttered out feeling embarrassed "apologies,I didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed I was just asking" "it's fine" everyone had arrived outside the kingdom and were looking at the cream wolves realizing that their weren't enough for all of them. "It appears we must share,my king how about you and your friends ride the same one while crunchy chip rides with that hollyberrian" caramel arrow suggested. The king nodded at her and everyone got on their designated wolf. Crunchy chip got on his before wildberry got on soon after "do you carry that gauntlet everywhere you go?" "It's a fighting tool,just in case" the small cookie nodded before the wolf started to follow the rest of the wolf's. They had two more kingdoms to explore now those two being the pure vanilla kingdom and the white lily kingdom. The king decided to go to the pure vanilla kingdom in hopes of finding his son there,hopefully.

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