3 , accident

469 20 1

~ Time skip ~

Next day

Y/n place

Author : ( today is Sunday so you are all planned to go for shopping you all got ready and went to mall )

Your outfit ⬇️

Lisa / rose outfit ⬇️

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Lisa / rose outfit ⬇️

Lisa / rose outfit ⬇️

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   Mean while

Kim's mansion

Author : ( Today taehyung's grandma came from Paris so his mother planned to go to mall so there left )

Main while

Pov ; ( you alll enjoyed and Mrs Kim and gandmother also enjoyed they time you three friends went to cafe to  drink 🍷 coffee mean while taehyung mother and grandmother also through to go and take some rest while sitting and drinking tea ☕)

Lisa : we enjoyed too much today right happily )

Rose : yes

Y/n : yeah

Pov ;( you three were talking when someone from your back said something so you alll turned to see and smiled )

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: Excuse me

Mean while

Mrs Kim pov :( i came here with taehyung's grandma  we did shopping now we are going to cafe for some rest because i called taehyung he is coming after sometime so we will in cafe but there was not empty  space but there was 3 girls sitting and 2 chairs empty so we went there i said " excuse me " that girls turned i was shock to see that girl same goes too that girls also )

Y/n : aunty  ( smiling) how are you

Mrs Kim: nice after seeing you all again (smile)

Lisa : come aunty have a seat please  ( smiling)

Mrs Kim : why not dear

Author : ( you all sat and grandma asked Mrs Kim it how she know you three then Mrs Kim told everything then grandma also happily talked with you alll after some chit chat  someone entered in cafe because of that everyone became silent so Mrs Kim and you 3 girls and grandmother turned to see who is this Mrs Kim and grandmother smiled after seeing who is that )

Y/n pov : ( cafe became silent everyone was seeing entrance so i also turned to see how is that and my eyes stucked seeing someone handsome like he came from heaven ooo my his beauty and his eyes are like i can see  full world in that i can not believe that handsome man coming towards us he came and stand near us he saw aunty and grandmother and smiled then he saw me his eyes are really beautiful we were seeing eachother like there is no tomorrow that's when Mrs Kim noticed and said )

Mrs Kim : son ( smiling)

Mrs Kim pov:(  two members were seeing eachother other like there is no tomorrow i like y/n from that first place but i don't know my son also will like her ooooo i think now i am going to become grandmother )

Grandmother pov: ( taehyung my son came he smiled at us and turned too y/n side he and y/n was seeing each other like there is no tomorrow i like y/n when i saw her and after knowing her i want her to be my son wife i am happy )

Author : ( Mrs Kim and grandmother saw eachother and smirked)

Taehyung pov: ( i came here to pick mom and my grandma when i entered everyone became silent afcourse everyone will because they know mafia king power i saw mom and grandma sitting and i went to her when i stand near her she and grandmother smiled at me but i turned to and saw three girls sitting and then my eyes catch that girl whom i saw that day helping that aunty i was so lost in her beauty she was very beautiful her eyes ,nose everything was super we were seeing eachother like there is no tomorrow that's when my mom say "son " i came to reality )

Taehyung : yes mom

Mrs Kim : you are late

Taehyung : there was some traffic so

Mrs Kim : ok ok meet this three

Pov : ( Mrs Kim said pointing at you three )

Taehyung : hi i am kim taehyung  ( calmly)

Lisa: hi i am Lisa

Rose : hi i am rose

Y/n : hi i am y/n Singh

Pov : ( you three stand and bow he also did )

Taehyung : ( ooo so your name is y/n Singh same like you but it's not Korean name )

Taehyung : you are not Korean  ( to y/n while. Small smile)

Y/n : no i amIndian (smile back)

Author : ( taehyung mom and grandma was shock to see taehyung smiling at someone first' time because he never smiles at anyone except his family and friends )

Mrs Kim :  daughters now i should go i will be late (smile)

Lisa : why not aunty ( smile back)

Mrs Kim : bye kids (smile)

Grandmother : bye children's (smile)

Lisa /rose /y/n : bye aunties( smile)

Author : (they all went out of cafe thats when Mrs Kim forget to take her purse 👛 so she went inside cafe again and Rose mother called her so she went to talk some far and Lisa was catching bags and taehyung got call so he was near cafe gate talking in phone while waiting for Mrs Kim and grandmother and y/n were talking that's when a thief came running and accidently pushed grandma on road and there a car was coming in fast speed y/n was going to help grandma by catching but her hand skipped and this all Lisa ,rose and Mrs Kim  and taehyung saw taehyung came running but it was too late because of that grandma got hot by car and fall on road  all road filled with bleed everyone came Mrs Kim was crying and you three also then took  her to hospital ) 

~Time skip ~

In hospital

Pov : ( doctor took grandma to OTP and started there treatment Mrs Kim called Mrs Kim and said all after sometime jin,RM,and Mr kim came )

Mr kim : how is she

Mrs Kim : doctor don't said anything ( crying )

Everyone was worried you and your friends also that's when doctor came

Taehyung : Doctor what happened ( worried )

Doctor : we did our best and saved her life but

Mr Kim : but ( worried)

Doctor : she is in coma and we don't know when she will wake sorry

Pov : after saying that doctor left

                                  ( Words count : 1082)

Next part soon

How was it say me and vote for next part next part is interesting  and i will try to write it fast and this 3 parts i wrote in 3 days and this is summer holidays so i am having time after completing my Homeworks i am giving that to this also 

                        💜  Thank you 💜

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