13, Mrs Kim going

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Author: you alll reached home and Mrs Kim went to her room and taehyung went to his office room so you left you were getting bore and taehyung said until Mrs Kim go you should not do any work so you went and taehyung bedroom and slept on couch after 4 hours taehyung came to bedroom and saw you sleeping so he did not disturbed you he took his laptop and sat on bed and started doing his work when your phone rings you woke up taehyung looked at you )

Y/n: sab hamen hi kyon pareshan karte Hain( why everyone will only disturb me)

Taehyung pov:( she said in hindi right maybe)

Author:( it was Lisa os you answered call and went to balcony )

Y/n: hi Lisa

Lisa : hi what are you doing

Y/n: i was sleeping but because of you my sleep got disturbed

Lisa: ok ok sorry you know your husband biggest news

Y/n: my husband biggest news what is it

Lisa: he won 1th price in business world

Y/n; what (shock)

Lisa: yes

Y/n: but before also his company was top

Lisa: but this year also he did top

Y/n: ooo

Lisa: you know my and Rose father company is second

Y/n: what really congratulations

Lisa: thank you you tooo big congratulations

Y/n: thank you

Lisa: i have to do some work i will call you later

Y/n : ok bye

Author: (you went to room and said to taehyung)

Y/n: congratulations taeh,,,,,, i mean sir

Taehyung: why ? ( Confused)

Y/n: your company got first position this year to so

Taehyung: oo thank you but how you know

Y/n: Lisa said me

Taehyung: how she know?

Y/n : her father and Rose father company got second position so there know

Taehyung: ooo ok

Author:( you went and sat on couch while thinking)

Y/n pov:( i don't know about my husband he is my husband and i am getting this news from my friend i know he not accepted me as his wife but he can tell this bigg news for me right leave it offf )



Author:( you all ate and now you all are sitting in hall area when Mrs Kim said)

Mrs Kim: so taehyung your company got first position this year tooo you are going to celebrate right (smile)

Taehyung: yes mom( smile back)

Mrs Kim: ok so when

Taehyung: tomorrow evening mom i throwed a big party and invited alll business mans with there family's

Mrs Kim : ooo so y/n daughter you are coming right

Taehyung: yes mom she should difinity come

Mrs Kim: why ?

Taehyung: they want to see my wife and in marriage they did not saw and i even not take her and went out so

Mrs Kim : ok so let's meet tomorrow evening ok (smile)

Y/n: what you mean mom (confused)

Mrs kim: because i am going tomorrow morning so bye good night kids i am getting sleep

Author:( she went you also went to taehyung's bed room and taehyung also came taehyung was taking shower and you were sitting on couch and using your phone you got disturbed when windows was making sound because of winds you went and closed the windows and turned and saw taehyung half naked )

Y/n pov: ( i closed windows and turned and saw half naked taehyung his lower part was covered with towel and upper naked he is really looking hot ooo my god i can not take on eyes off him but i turned back because what if he think i am pervert )

Taehyung pov:( i came from washroom after shower and saw y/n was closing windows because of winds it was making sound when she turned she was shocked to see me half naked she again turned back i chuckle she said)

Y/n: you should wear your clothes in washroom only

Taehyung: why?

Y/n: what if any one see you like that

Taehyung: then

Y/n: then aa you should be loyal to your wife

Taehyung: i am then

Y/n: what you mean you are half naked infront of someone

Taehyung: but i am not naked infront of someone

Y/n: you are infront of me

Taehyung: infront of you is ok

Y/n; how infront of me ok ?( Questioning)

Taehyung: you said i should me loyal to my wife and i am naked infront of my wife so i am loyal

Y/n: you are not

Taehyung: how( confused)

Y/n: i am your temporary wife you should be loyal to your permanent wife

Taehyung: what you mean by that

Y/n: you didn't accepted me as your wife so and i know you will marry someone good then me in future

Taehyung pov:( hmm she is telling me but she is my permanent wife and will be also but let's tell her this and make her more jealous and suffer )

Taehyung: yes you are right i should be loyal to my beautiful and hot future wife (smirk)

Y/n pov:( i know i said this because he didn't accepted me as his wife so i said i am his temporary wife he should be loyal to his permanent wife because i know he don't love any girl Mrs Kim said me ones he hate girls but when he said "yes you are right i should be loyal to my beautiful and hot future wife my heart broken into pieces i run washroom as fast as possible because i can not stop my tears)

Taehyung pov:( i said that and she did not replied and run as fast as possible and i saw tears in her eyes that broke my heart but why i am worried i want to make her suffer after that i layed on bed )

Mean while y/n

Y/n:( i love him but he did not accepted me as his wife and even said he should be loyal to his beautiful and hot future wife it broke me into pieces because he will not accept me as his wife now and he indirectly said he will marry again and divorce me i know i am not hot and beautiful i am not his idea type but leave it if he did not love me and not ready to make me his wife then ok i am unlucky but i loved him and i will love him his happiness is my happiness now i will never interfere in your life taehyung you are free from me whenever wherever however you ask me to divorce i am ready)

Author:( you were heart broken you cry for 1:00 and went to sleep taehyung was not sleeping he was just closing his eyes you went to him and sat down down on your knees and came closer to his face and said)

(Word count:1164)

Next part soon vote my Sweeties

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