7, scolding and rules

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Author;( it's evening and you were cleaning   🏺 this and suddenly it fall from your hand and that time taehyung entered  from  door he was angry went he saw that broken he got more angry and came to you and slapped you)

Y/n :( i was cleaning when a 🏺 fall down and broken i don't know how to clean and house works but now i am doing this because taehyung said suddenly someone turned me because i was facing back and slapped i fall down on floor and my hands automatically went near my cheeks tears was falling when i saw who slapped it was taehyung)

Taehyung: don't you know how to clean now ( Angry)

Y/n : i ,,,,, ( cut off by taehyung)

Taehyung: shut your mouth and complete all works you even not completed half mansion ( angry)

Y/n: but ,,,,,i ( tears was falling continuously)

Taehyung: I SAID DON'T GIVE BACK ANSWERS ( knee down and pushed your hairs)

Y/n: AHhhhhhhh plea,,,se  l,,l,eave me,,,,,,,,,,,( shouted in pain)

Taehyung:  i will not repeat my words again so do as i say or result will be unbelievable ( raised voice)

Author: ( taehyung got up and went upstairs to his bedroom you were crying sitting there when granny came and made you sit on sofa )

Granny: daughter don't cry please it's ok he was angry and went he saw you broke something so he got more angry

Y/n : but he shouldn't have slapped me granny ( crying)

Granny: it's ok daughter you call me granny so please listen to your granny and don't cry  ( comforting)

Y/n : ok granny ( wipes her tears )

Granny: go take rest you are working from morning ( smile)

Y/n: but ;( cut off by granny)

Granny: no daughter i will do you go

Taehyung : no granny you will not do anything she will do all if it takes tomorrow but she will only do you go ( was coming from upstairs)

Granny:  but ( cut off by taehyung)

Taehyung: granny i said go ( coldly)

Granny:  hmm ok

Author: ( she smiled at y/n and went y/n stand and started cleaning while taehyung was sitting on sofa and seeing her time to time while doing his work now it's 10 clock  so taehyung stand and was going up but before going he said )

Taehyung : after doing work only then you can go complete it ( coldly and went up )

Author :( you were working but we're getting  sleep after completing till 3;00 clock   after that you went to your room and slept without having your meal )


Author : ( it's morning you were sleeping peacefully  because you worked till 3:00  but your sleep got  ruin when someone poured water on you )


Taehyung pov : ( i woke up and went to take shower after shower i wore my dress for office and went down and sat for my breakfast  and granny brought and started serving me i asked her )

Taehyung: granny why are you serving i said y/n to serve me ( calmly)

Granny: son she is sleeping  she looks really tired ( smile )

Taehyung: wait i will come in 10 minutes

Author : ( taehyung came to y/n room and  shake her but she was not  getting up so he poured water on y/n face because of that she woke up and sat on bed )

Taehyung: woke up fast and fastly come down (  said coldly and went )

Y/n : ahhhh  now i should get ready fast and go down or else he will kill me

Author: ( you went to shower after shower you went to  bown stairs and stand in front of taehyung how was sitting on safa like a king )

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By the way your dress ⬇️

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By the way your dress ⬇️

Author :( taehyung saw you and said )

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Author :( taehyung saw you and said )

Taehyung : i called you to say something ( coldly)

Y/n: ,,,,, w,,,,hat ( scared because of this dangerous look )

Taehyung : i have some rules for you and you should obey me ( coldly)

Y/n ;( nodded  because of fear)

Taehyung : so rules are
1 , you are not allowed to go out without my permission
2 , you are not allowed to meet anyone without my permission
3, no one is allowed to come here to meet you
4,  you will do alll works except cooking because i don't want my kitchen burned
5,you will only serve me  if you miss it then you will get punishment
6, Don't raise voice infront of me and no skipping work
7, you will not call me by my name you will call me sir
8, infront of world you are my wife but in mansion you are my maid
9, when my family comes here act as nice wife and that time call me taehyung and you can sleep with me but when there are not  you will do your work
10, you are not allowed to enter my room without my permission
11, it will be secret between us only
Do you understand ( coldly)

Y/n : why are you doing this ( tears are going to fall but controled)

Taehyung: you are asking me what you did  you nicely know what you did ( coldly stand up )

Y/n : but ( cut off by taehyung)

Taehyung : shut up and do your work ( coldly)

Y/n :  ( head low)

Author:( taehyung went to work and you started doing your work)




                                       ( Words count:904)

Next part soon

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