19, taking care of him

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Author:( there was taehyung standing taking help of jk fully in blood you fastly went to taehyung and helped him to sit on couch and taehyung signaled jk to go so jk said you that he have some work and went )

Y/n: how did you get hurt (tears in your eyes)

Taehyung: it is some only don't worry ( calmly)

Y/n: are you mad why are you taking it so calmly ( crying)

Author: ( you went to take first aid kit while taehyung was smiling seeing you you came and sat beside him and treated his wounds)

Taehyung: sweetheart don't worry it's normal ( smiling)

Y/n: you don't talk with me ( angry while crying)

Taehyung: but,,,,,,,,,( cut off by y/n)

Y/n: shut up and come with me

Author: ( she helped him and took him to his room and make him sleep and went to bring his dinner she brought and feed him after feeding him she went down and kept that plates there and went upstairs to his room)

Y/n: if you need anything call me ok ( about to go)

Taehyung: wait ahhhh ( shouted)

Author: ( you were going when he shouted you fastly went to him and said)

Y/n: what happened ( worried)

Author: ( he pushed you and you fall on top of him he smiled and said)

Taehyung: where were you going ( smile)

Y/n: w,,,,what are you ,,,d,,,,,,, doing ( trying to escape)

Taehyung: babygirl why are you trying to escape from your own husband

Y/n: i am not escaping i am going to my( cut off by taehyung)

Taehyung: you are kim taehyung's wife and you should be in your husband room babygirl

Y/n: b,,,,but( cut off by taehyung)
Taehyung: ahhhh now sleep with me love

Author: ( you were sleeping left side of bed and taehyung was right side of bed while sleeping he hugged you from back side and slept you smiled and slept like that only)


Next morning

Taehyung pov:( i woke up first and saw beautiful view of my life my love my wifey sleeping in my arms peacefully my full focus was on y/n when she started to move i closed my eyes to prevent like i was sleeping )

Y/n pov:( i woke up and saw i was in taehyung arms he is looking too cute while sleeping)

Y/n: babyboy you look really beautiful i just can't take off my eyes from you your eyes are like ocean your lips are so kissable i want to kiss you until i get tired

Taehyung: then do it love how is stopping you

Author: (suddenly opened his eyes and said that by pushing you and hovering over you)

Y/n: w,,,,,were not ,,,y,,,,,you sleeping

Taehyung: babygirl i woke up before you

Y/n: ,,,i,,,,( cut off by taehyung)

Taehyung: i can make your wish come true

Y/n ; leave me please ( trying to free yourself)

Taehyung: you know what

Y/n: what? ( Confused)

Taehyung: you know what good wife's will do in morning to there husband

Y/n: yes i know

Taehyung: tell what

Y/n: they will wake there husbands up and say them to get ready for work

Taehyung: no nooo they will kiss there husbands

Y/n: leave me ( after hearing that you tried to free yourself)

Taehyung: first give me my morning kiss then goo

Y/n: leave me please please ( showing puppy eyes)

Taehyung: love don't saw your puppy eyes please and please kiss your poor husband

Y/n: ok i will but first let me sit( he let you sit

Taehyung: now give (smiling)

Y/n: ok close your eyes

Taehyung: but ( cut off by y/n)

Y/n; if not then( cut off by taehyung)

Taehyung: ok ok

Author;( he closed his eyes and you fastly kissed his cheeks and run to washroom from back he shouted)

Taehyung: I WANT ON LIPS NOT ON CHEEKS ( shouted)

Author;( you went after shower you came and started to dry your hairs suddenly you felt someone hands on your waist hugging you from back you were about to shout but stopped when you heard )

Taehyung: baby girl it's me love ( in husky voice)

Y/n: tae please leave me

Taehyung: why ?

Y/n: you will get pain

Taehyung: hugging you will never give pain

Y/n: you got hurt and it will pain

Taehyung: it's ok if it pains while i am hugging you (smile)

Author:( he turned you around and pinned you on the wall and between him and said you)

Taehyung: i love you

Y/n: hmm

Taehyung: say back. (puppy eyes)

Taehyung: i love you i love you i love you i love you

Y/n; i love you too now can you leave me i have work to do

Taehyung: why you want to escape from me ( acting sad face)

Y/n: i am not escaping just going to bring your breakfast here

Taehyung: why(confused)

Y/n: because you are injury so

Taehyung: i am all okay babygirl

Y/n: but ( cut off by taehyung)

Taehyung: shhh ( kept his index ☝️ finger on your lips)

Taehyung: i need is now just you

Y/n: will you not leave me ( pout)

Taehyung: if you will pout i will kiss those lips of your

Y/n: i will kiss you if you will not leave me ( acting serious)

Taehyung: then i will never leave you kiss me ( husky voice)

Y/n: oo sorry i said opposite if you will leave me then i will kiss you

Taehyung; ok but this time no cheating

Y/n: what you mean i will never cheat

Taehyung: morning you kissed me on cheeks is it not cheating

Y/n; no because you don't said where i should kiss so i kissed on cheeks

Taehyung: ok now i am saying kiss me on my lips Mrs Kim y/n

Y/n: ok but leave me now

Author:( taehyung leaved you and you put your lips on his and immediately back off and run down stairs)

( Word count:1045)

NEXT part soon vote please my Sweetie 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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