16, Meet your friends

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Doctor: sir i checked her there is nothing there is no problem i think she has allergy of something

Taehyung: y/n do you have allergy of something ( you nodded)

Doctor: what is that ?

Y/n: tea( low head)

Doctor: ok so don't drink tea again it will not be good for your health i am taking my leave ( left)

Taehyung: you have allergy of tea then why you drank that

Y/n: you said me to drank

Taehyung:if i say you to drink poison you will drink ( angry)

Y/n: you were looking scary that time so i drank it

Taehyung: next time don't do that ok ( calmly)

Y/n: ok ( you get up)

Taehyung: where are you going ( confuse)

Y/n: to my room

Taehyung: you can be here right

Y/n: but you said not to enter in your room without your permission i am going ( you went)

Taehyung: taehyung what are you doing

Author: (you went to your room and took rest for some hours )



Author ; ( you woke up and went to take shower and after that you went down stairs and saw Mrs Kim you went to her and taehyung was already sitting there and you sat beside Mrs Kim)

Mrs Kim: daughter how are you ( smile)

Y/n: nice mom ( smile back)

Mrs Kim: y/n your husband loves you so much ( smile )

Y/n: (smile looking at Mrs Kim)

Mrs Kim: so daughter and son i want to say something

Y/n/ taehyung: what mom

Mrs Kim; see in marriage i didn't gave any gift to y/n i gave to taehyung

Taehyung: when ( shock)

Mrs Kim: i gave you on your wedding day taehyung

Taehyung: when mom ( confused)

Mrs Kim: i gave you y/n as gift

Taehyung:( shock )

Mrs Kim : i didn't gave you so i am giving you now see your back y/n

Author:( you turned and saw your friends sneha, nidhi,and Arpita you run to them and hugged them and after a long hug they said)

Sneha, nidhi and Arpita ,Lisa ,rose ; surprise ( shouted)

Mrs Kim: so your friends came to stay here for some days ( smile)

Y/n : thank you mom( smile back)

Mrs Kim : now go and show them there rooms

Y/n: ok mom( smile)

Author:( you took them to there room and enjoyed your time Mrs Kim said to come evening to garden so you all went to garden where alll BTS are present you all sat and Mrs Kim said)

Mrs Kim; let's play something (smile)

Sneha: yes aunty truth and dare ( smile back)

Y/n: ok wait i will get something to eat

Mrs Kim: but daughter ( cut off by y/n)

Y/n: i will come in 10 mins

Author: ( you run and everyone chuckle at you even taehyung)

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