4, started hating her

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Pov: ( after doctor left the room Mrs Kim was crying and rm ,jin and Mr kim was comforting her when taehyung pushed y/n to the wall and Started shouted at her all members was there seeing that Mrs Kim was trying to stop her and y/n was crying her friends was comforting her )

Taehyung : ( after doctor left i was too broken because i love grandma to much but because of y/n she is in this situation i saw y/n i will not live you i pushed her to the wall and Started shouted on her mom was trying to stop me but i was not listening to her ) ( he was so angry )

Y/n pov:( i was standing there and crying because of my careless grandma is in coma thats when taehyung pushed me to the wall and Started shouted at me aunty was trying to stopped but he was not stopping )


Pov:( he was shouting so Mrs Kim said )

Mrs Kim : y/n kid go home i will talk to you later child

Pov : ( after that you went home with Lisa and Rose you were crying because of what happened in hospital and what taehyung said your friends was comforting you you all ate your dinner and then went to sleep but you were not sleeping and thinking about that when Lisa said )

Lisa : y/n don't, think about that it was not your fault

Y/n : but

Rose : no buts y/n because you did nothing you were going to save her but your hand skipped and she fell taehyung only saw half he did not saw full because of that he is blaming you now leave it lets sleep

Lisa/ rose : good night (smile)

Y/n : good night ( fake smile)


Author : ( y/n woke up fast and called Mrs Kim she asked Mrs Kim number in cafe only she call and asked how is grandma and you alll Mrs Kim said we are fine dear and don't worry you doctor said she will be fine in 4,5 months after cutting call you went took shower and got ready )

By the way your outfit ⬇️

By the way your outfit ⬇️

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Hair style ⬇️

Pov : ( you all went to college and attend all your classes )

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Pov : ( you all went to college and attend all your classes )


One month later

Author : today you all decided to visit grand ma and Mrs Kim is also coming so you asked her she said no problem you can visit grand ma whenever you want )


Y/n : aunty how is grandma is she ok

Mrs Kim : yes dear she is ok now after 4 mouth she will be totally fine and daughter sorry for my son behaviour he loves his grandmother so much that's why he can not control himself that day and shouted on you and also he did not saw what happened that day he only saw your hands skip from Grandma hands don't worry ok ( small smile )

Lisa : aunty we said her but she was blaming herself for that accident

Rose : not eating and crying because of what happened that day but he comfort her now she is ok ( smile)

Mrs Kim: it's not your fault y/n don't blam youself ok and y/n if i ask anything will you give me ( she said in very low voice)

Y/n : why not aunty i promise i will say me please

Mrs Kim: don't do promise dear if you are not able to do that then ( sad )

Y/n : i did promise because i will definitely do that aunty you just say ( smile)

Mrs Kim : ,,,,,,I,,,,,,, wh,,en ,,,,,,,y,o,,,,,,u to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( head low)

Lisa : aunty say please

Y/n : say clearly aunty ( smile)

Mrs Kim : please don't feel i want you to marry my son ( while closing eyes )

Lisa /rose/y/n : WHAT ( shocked )

Mrs Kim: dear don't need to do it i can understand you my son have angry issue and even he will not take care of himself and when that day i saw you helping that small boy from that day i want you to be my daughter in law and even grandma also wanted this went she meet you in cafe and that was first time taehyung smiled to anyone except his family and friends please daughter it is grandma last wish she said this when we came out of cafe but before she talk to you that accident happened and even in taehyung eyes that day it was showing love for you please dear ( tears in eyes)

Y/n pov: ( i was so shock because what aunty said and i love him when i first saw him he was so attractive because of that i fall in love with him but how can I do that it is also grandma last wish and because of me grandma is her i should have catch her but i did not save her that time but i want to fullfil her wish by marriage with him )

Mrs Kim: it's okay dear i am not forcing you ( sad smile)

Author :( Mrs Kim was ready to go when you stopped her by your words and that makes Mrs Kim shock and Lisa rose was tooo shock )

Y/n : i will marry him aunty and i want to fullfil grand ma last wish because of me she is here

Mrs Kim : no no dear please don't say that

Y/n : aunty i am ready to marry him

Lisa/ rose : y/n what are you saying are you sure ? ( Shock)

Y/n : yes aunty when is the marriage ( emotionalless)

Mrs Kim : i will call and say you dear now go and rest ( smile )

Author :( you all went to home and Lisa rose was questioning you you simply said)

Y/n : i want to make her last wish truth and you all don't worry about me ok


In Kim's mansion

Author : ( Mrs Kim came and started to say this happy news to Mr kim and jin , rm taehyung was not at home so there where waiting for him to come suddenly he came from mean gate and was going directly to his room but Mrs Kim stopped him he stopped )

(Words count : 1074)

Next part will come soon but please vote so that i will know you want next part it is my first ff so i don't have any idea please support me

Thank you

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