14, going to party

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Y/n; taehyung i know i am unlucky you know because of you my parents are angry on me even they were going to fix my marriage but after there listened about this marriage there are not talking to me i am doing whatever you are saying and bearing whatever you are doing you slapped me you even beaten me i did nothing because i can hurt myself but not you you know i am best fighter i even broke on boy hand by mistake but i will never show my that side to someone i love

Taehyung pov:( i was closing my eyes y/n came and sat near me on her knees and was saying something and i was preventing to sleep when she said she will always show her soft side to her loved one i was shock is it indirect propose )

Y/n: and i love you when i first time saw you from that time i love you but ,,,, w,hen you said that in future you will have a beautiful and hot wife i know you indirectly said me that you will divorce me and marry someone in future i know i am not your type and not beautiful and hot but i love you and i will love you until my last breath love if you are happy marrying someone then i will not stop you

Taehyung pov: ( what she love me from first )

Y/n; i will not interfere in your life again and whenever wherever however you want divorce i am ready to give you but i will love you kim taehyung you are like my breath now people says if you love someone there happiness is your everything so if you're happiness is in someone else then i will do whatever i can do to make you two together and you are free from me just ask divorce i will give but my feelings for you will never change i should control myself if i will be near you i will definitely die if you leave me so starting from tomorrow i will be as far as possible ,,,,,,,, but i l,,,,,ove,,,,,,y,,,ou,,,,,s,o,,,,,,,,m,uch,,,,,,
L,,,,,,love ,,,,, g,,,,,,,,good night

Author:( after that you went to sleep)

Taehyung pov: ( so she loves me ) (shock)


Author:( you woke up fast and got ready and went down after that taehyung woke up and took shower and went down you served them and after 20 mins they finished you also ate and came too hall area Mrs Kim and taehyung was sitting there Mrs Kim called you you went to her and sat)

Mrs Kim: daughter i am going now but you should come evening ok ( smile)

Y/n; but mom you should have stayed

Mrs Kim : next time i will stay ok( smile)

Y/n: ok ( smile back)

Taehyung: mom come i will drive you

Mrs Kim: ok son

Author:( Mrs Kim and taehyung went you left as Mrs Kim went so from now you should start your work afternoon taehyung and saw you working so he said)

Taehyung: what are you doing ?

Y/n: cleaning

Taehyung: you no need to do that

Y/n; what you mean

Taehyung: from today you will not do any work of this house i called workers back so they will do

Y/n: why( questioning look)

Taehyung: what people will think if they saw mafia king wife working so you can go and rest and get ready for evening i will send you one dress wear that only ok

Y/n; ok ( you went to your room)

Author:( you went and started to get ready because there is only one hour now it's 7: 00 you should be there 8:00 you got ready and one maid came and said taehyung is calling you he is waiting for you come fast you came down and taehyung was shock to see you this beautiful)

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