18, divorce papers

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Mrs Kim: taehyung take this paper's

Author:( taehyung took that paper's and read and was shock)

Taehyung: what is this mom( shock)

Mrs Kim: divorce papers ( coldly)

Taehyung: yes but why( confused)

Mrs Kim: this divorce papers are for y/n and you

Taehyung: but why?

Y/n: for making you free( blank face)

Taehyung: hmm? ( Confused)

Y/n: sign it you can be free

Author: ( taehyung pushed you by your waist closer to him and said )

Taehyung : what do you mean by freeing me from you?

Y/n: you will be free from this marriage and can live with your love ( tears)

Taehyung: ooo thanks for that ( smile and leaves you and went to paper's and and throwed in dustbin after burning it )

Mrs Kim : what you did because of that i did hard work ( angry)

Taehyung: how said you to do

Y/n: i said but why you did it you have took your revenge now leave me please

Taehyung: hmm after i divorce you what you will do ? And your parents are also angry on you for marrying me ( Questioning)

Mrs Kim: yes daughter what you will do ( confused)

Y/n: i will convince them and i know they will forgive me lately but they will and that boy is always ready to marry me with whom my marriage was going to fix so i will marry him

Taehyung: then what about me ?

Author: ( taehyung pushed y/n by her waist and kissed her on her lips y/n was shock so she didn't react but after sometime she kissed Back because she loved him he broke the kiss and said)

Taehyung: i love you my wifey

Y/n: ( widen)

Taehyung: i know you misunderstood me and even what i did was wrong you did nothing but i blamed you for that and in garden what i said that day was for you Mrs Kim taehyung

Author:( Mrs Kim saw that and went from there because she want to not disturb you both)

Y/n: you are not joking right it is not joke time (tears)

Taehyung: no love i love you ( hugged y/n)

Y/n; i l,,, love ,,you more ( crying while hugging him)

Taehyung: love now don't cry ( wiping your tears)

Y/n: i can't believe ( hugging him)

Taehyung: then let me make you believe love (husky voice in your ears)

Author: ( you immediately broke hug and run to your room taehyung smile at you and shouted )

Taehyung: MRS KIM YOU SHOULD NOT GO IN GUEST ROOM WE HAVE OUR ROOM ( shouted while smiling)

Author: ( you went to guest room and taehyung got call so he went but before going he said granny to say y/n if she ask about him )

Mean while

Y/n; i can not believe that taehyung loves me oo my god (smiling)

Author: ( you phone rings so you answered call and it was Lisa )

Lisa: hello

Y/n: hello how are you

Lisa: i am fine what about you

Y/n : same here and today I am having super happy

Lisa; why why say

Y/n: taehyung confessed me

Lisa: what

Y/n: that he love me

Lisa : WHAT oo my god congratulations

Y/n: thank you

Lisa: so what's next

Y/n: what you mean ( confused)

Lisa: like going honeymoon or having babies

Y/n: you mad no

Lisa: ok ok i am sorry but you you through

Y/n: about?

Lisa: having babies ( laughing)

Y/n: you are mad so i will talk you later bye

Lisa : byes bye enjoy

Author: ( she cutted the call and went to sleep )


Author: ( you waited till 12:00 but taehyung didn't came and you can not call him because you didn't have his number then suddenly main gate opened )

Author: ( you waited till 12:00 but taehyung didn't came and you can not call him because you didn't have his number then suddenly main gate opened )

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