17, shock taehyung

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Taehyung pov':( ooo but she is mine now)(smirk)

Mean while

Author: ( y/n run and fastly went to taehyung room washroom because her friends are living in guest room so before there come Mrs Kim called you and said she is coming so you were alert )

Y/n: i was thinking you didn't love anyone because Mrs Kim said you never loved anyone and hate women's but you love someone now taehyung sorry for coming in your life and separating you with your love i came in between you and your love sorry i know how much it will pain separating from your love i am separating from my love from you i know how much it will pain and i know you can not divorce me because you can not deny your mother so i will do that be happy love (crying hardly while kneeling down)

Author: ( after freshen up you went to garden area and called them for dinner and they came and sat you served them your friends forced you to eat with them you sat beside sneha and opposite to taehyung when Mrs Kim asked)
Mrs Kim: y/n why your eyes are red (worried)

Taehyung pov;( when mom said that i saw y/n and yes her eyes were red did she cried oo shut i said i love someone and i have her
And she cried because she loves me but that time i didn't mean that what she is thinking)

Y/n: mom because of air something went inside ny eyes that's why don't worry (fake smile)

Author:( after dinner all went to sleep but you went to Mrs Kim room after giving courage to yourself you knoked and went inside)

Mrs: yes daughter why are you here this time (smile)

Y/n: nothing mom i want to say something

Mrs Kim; yes first sit then say( you sat)

Mrs Kim; now say daughter (smile)

Y/n: mom i w,,,,,, want ,,to ,d,,,,,,,,,,,

Mrs Kim: say clearly daughter

Y/n: mom i want to divorce taehyung (in one breath)

Mrs Kim : why daughter say if any thing happened in between you in husband wife fightings is normal you should slove it( shock)

Y/n: no mom it's not like that ( low voice)

Mrs Kim; then what is it explain me (worry)

Y/n : he love someone and because he can not deny you so he said yes and i came between him and her ( controlling tears)

Mrs Kim: no daughter i saw love in his eyes for you and even he said in garden today (worried)

Y/n: no mom he said about her today in garden

Mrs Kim: what but wait i will talk to him ( she was about to stand but you stop and said)

Y/n: no mom please don't tell about this to him anything because he can not deny you so he was ready to marry me and he can not go against you so he is not asking about divorce ( tears falling)

Mrs Kim; but( cut off by you)

Y/n: mom please

Author:( you knees down infront of her and said she holds you and make you sit on bed )

Mrs Kim: please daughter don't do that i will do ( tears forming)

Y/n: please make divorce papers ( tears)

Mrs Kim: ok daughter ( comforting you)

Mrs Kim: sorry daughter for making you marry him i will prepare divorce papers as soon as possible it will take one mouth but i will try to do it fast

Y/n: thank you mom for being my side (crying)

Mrs Kim: it's ok daughter ( comforting you)

Y/n: mom can you do one more work of mine(wiping tears)

Mrs Kim: say daughter

Y/n; please don't say this to taehyung untill papers are ready

Mrs Kim: ok daughter ( smile with years in eyes)

Y/n : promise me

Mrs Kim: promise

Mrs Kim: now go and rest daughter (smile)

Y/n: ok mom

Author:( you went to room to sleep)

Mrs Kim: sorry daughter for doing this with you if i used to know that then i would never arrange this marriage (tears falling)

Author: (you came to and saw taehyung sleeping so you went to him and knees down near him and said)

Y/n: sorry sorry mr kim taehyung for coming in your life for interfering in your life for coming in between you and your love sorry for everything but don't worry you will soon be free from me and can live with your love but i love you i loved you and i will love you if i am far or near but in my heart only you will be i wish you have happy life good night

Author: ( you took pillow and went couch and slept there but you did not noticed that taehyung was just closing his eyes and preventing to sleep )

Taehyung pov:( what is mean by that i will be free from you y/n i will never leave you kim y/n you kidnapped my heart i did wrong to say today that but i said it for you only y/n i never loved and will love anyone except you )


Author:( Today your friends are going because of some work came so they left to India and Lisa and Rose went to there parents and Mrs Kim went to her home you were served breakfast for taehyung and after serving you stand sone far from him )

Taehyung: you also eat with me ( calmly)

Y/n: no i am not hungry

Author:( taehyung didn't force you to eat after eating he went to office and you went to your room )



Author: ( you were not talking with taehyung hardly if and work is there then only you would talk like this 8 days past and today was Sunday so you were in your and taehyung were in this room ).

Taehyung pov;( why she isn't talking with me i should ask her )

Author: (he was going to your room when main door bell ring one maid opened the door and it was Mrs Kim so taehyung went to her and she sat on couch and coldly said )

Mrs Kim ; where is y/n (coldly)

Taehyung: in her room mean in room mom

Mrs Kim: call her

Author: ( taehyung called you and was shock because of Mrs Kim was acting weird you came down and Mrs Kim said)

( Word count;1086)

Next part soon vote sweetie 🥰

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