11, beated you

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Author :(what happened he super angry so he slapped you and pushed your hairs and said)

Taehyung: because of you my grandmother is in hospital and now you want to broke her favourite picture don't you know anything your parents not teach you ( angry)

Y/n: it's,,,,,pa,, paining p-,, please leave me ( crying)

Taehyung: you are thinking about yourself what about my grandmother she is also in pain ( he tightly pushed your hairs)

Y/n: l,,,,,,,leav,,e me pl,,, please ( sodding hard)

Taehyung: why after making my life hell you want me to leave you (angry)

Author:( he pushed you and you fall on floor you were crying hard granny was coming to you but taehyung stoped and said no one will go near her and he sended granny for work and he went to his room in angry you run to your room and sat on bed and cry hard)

Y/n: taehyung why are you doing this with me when i did nothing and even you beaten me today taehyung i am bearing it doesn't mean i will leave anyone because i love you so i am silent and i can suffer how much you will make me Suffer (crying hard)

Author:( you were crying when you heard door knock and someone said sir is calling because it's his breakfast time so your cleaned youself and wore. Simple dress and came down served his breakfast and stand some far from him )

By the way your outfit ⬇️

 Author: ( he completed his breakfast and went you started cleaning you were up all night only 1 hour you slept so your eyes were paining and even you didn't eat so granny forced you to eat you are and you are doing your work but you did not saw t...

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Author: ( he completed his breakfast and went you started cleaning you were up all night only 1 hour you slept so your eyes were paining and even you didn't eat so granny forced you to eat you are and you are doing your work but you did not saw taehyung from morning till now it is evening now it's night it's taehyung dinner time he came and sat you served him and stand some far from him when he said)
Taehyung: my mother is coming so you will be in my room till she go (coldly).

Y/n: (nodded)

Taehyung: she will be tomorrow in morning so from tomorrow until she go do not do any work act like a good wife understand(coldly)

Y/n:( nodded)

Taehyung; do not you have mouth ( shouted)

Y/n: ,,,,,,,y,,,,,es i wi,l,,,,,l (head low)

Author: ( after that he went upstairs and you completed all your work and went to your room to sleep mean while in taehyung room)

Taehyung pov:( i should be happy i maked her suffer but i am feeling something but she deserve it so let it be taehyung)

Author:( everyone slept and now it's morning you got ready because your mother in law is coming so door ball rings you came and opened door and taehyung also came it was Mrs Kim)
By the way your outfit ⬇️

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