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"come on..."

she glared at the finger that poked her naked thigh. she averted her gaze at the guy who spoke to her in a persuasive tone.

"you're hot. i'm hot. we'd be the power couple" luke said, as he looked up at her from inside the pool.

they were all invited to a party. she and her best friend kitty, decided to come as it was summer vacations and wanted to have fun. she was on a floaty in the pool trying to talk to her boyfriend while autumn was sitting by the pool dipping her legs in the water.

"that's an overstatement" she chuckled sarcastically and his face slightly fell.

"look, luke. i am not interested" she repeated for the millionth time.

this was luke walker. a fellow junior at her school. always flirting and hitting on her, not getting the hint that she's uninterested. he had knowledge that she found him attractive from his intolerable -- like himself -- friends.

"why? what's so wrong with me? i'm rich. i'm attractive. i have the perfect blonde hair. i work out" he listed off.

"your daddy money doesn't count, walker" she said.

"you're not my type" she continued.

"why? tell me honestly" he said.

as if she'll lie.

"you're misogynistic. you're sexist. you bully innocent students who just want to pass high school. you're disrespectful to women-" he cuts her off.

"i'm respectful to you" he corrected.

"so? that still doesn't make anything better" she said, her voice raising.

"and trust me you don't want to be with me i'll ruin your life" she spoke.

"that turns me on" he said getting a disgusted face in reply.

"go away" she said, he scoffed and then swam away to get out of the pool.

"min! minnie! i got in! i got into kiss!" kitty yelled, as she tried to float towards me.

"really?" she yelled back as excitedly as her friend.

"yes oh" she said, trying to float towards autumn.

"kit-kitty!" she yelled as her friend fell into the pool. kitty had shifted at the end of the floaty putting all her weight on it so it tilted slightly making her fall.

"oh my god" kitty said, gasping and autumn started laughing.

"oh my god!" she breathed in between laughs.

"min" kitty warned.

"i'm sorry, sorry" she said, calming down her laughter.

"atleast your phone is okay" autumn said as kitty's phone still rest on the floating floaty.

"ugh, i still haven't got my call this is so bullshit!" she yelled in the end.

"calm down. you will soon, hopefully" kitty said, as she prepared her presentation, laying on her stomach.

"what if i don't. you will have to go alone without me. have your own fun adventure while i will have to attend this boring school with that annoying jerk" she spoke.

before kitty could response, autumn's phone started and she picked it up.

"it's kiss!" she yelled, panicky.

"oh my god!" kitty yelled, sitting up.

"shhh" autumn shushed

"hello, is this autumn sangwon?" a female voice asked through the phone.

"yes? this is she" she replied, after calming down.

"hi, there has been a spot available for you, so are you still interested in joining the korean independent school of seoul?" the woman asked.

"yes. of course" autumn replied, calmly.

"great. you have twenty hours to come to korea and join your classes"

"okay, thank you. goodbye" autumn said and she cut the call throwing her phone on the bed.

"i got in!" autumn yelled.

and then they both started screaming, holding onto each other's hands as they jumped up and down.

"kiss, here we come!"

"i was supposed to create a presentation but after one slide i got lazy so i just made this" she said, as her korean parents sat at the couch staring at her and the tv.

she only made a page of why she wanted to go to KISS and connected her laptop to her TV.

"so, i applied for the korean  independent school of seoul and got in through a scholarship. yay" she said, slightly cheery at the end.

"so here's why i want to go to kiss" she said, opening her slide through her laptop.

"so. number 1. i am whitewashed as a white person. i don't know anything about my culture nor my ancestors. as a kid i would've been more than happy not too but as i have grew up i hate it"

"so, i can learn more about my culture and traditions and not be unseasoned anymore"

"number 2. i will start learing korean and finally fulfill your wishes of me speaking your mother tongue and i will also find myself more cooler if i knew korean" she continued.

"number 3. the aesthetic. come on. south korea is like the most aesthetic country i have ever seen. and even though i have only seen it through k-dramas i hope it is as beautiful in real life"

"number 4. i can finally live my k-drama dream. who knows maybe i will get in a love triangle. or get an enemies to lovers" she said, noticing how her mother playfully rolled her eyes at her daydreamer daughter.

she didn't mind it though.

"and that's it. i had ran out of reasonable reasons to go to kiss" autumn said as she closed the tv.

"tada" she said, not enthusiastically as she opened her arms. one pointing towards the floor and the other towards the ceiling.

"ahem" she cleared her throat, retreating her arms.

"also kitty is going" she spoke.

"okay" her mom said, calmly.

"okay?" she repeated.

"you can go, hunny" her mom said.

"really?" she asked and her mother nodded.

"thank you!" she said, hugging her parents and then running to her room.

"you realize she might have sex" her dad said, looking at her mom who turned around to look at him, in deep thought.

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