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" happy chuseok my lovely family! i am missing you all alot and i can't believe this is my first chuseok away from you guys. i will badly miss your homemade kimchi, eomma and i will also miss arguing with my drunk uncle about women's rights. anyway. i miss you all and tell lia to stay away from my room. i forgot to say this before but i just remembered. i don't want her or our sticky cousins near my bedroom!!

but anyway. xoxo, min. "

kitty, finally came and helped with cooking because it really was her event. autumn watched them from the couch as minho and kitty for some reason got friendly and kitty ranted about dae as they both listened to her.

"lulu will be at the premises at 9 pm" he smiled, and autumn rolled her eyes.

"i'm sure she'll love the chocolate" autumn said.

"those chocolates were actually for someone else" he said, as autumn raised her chin from hand that was resting on the headboard of the couch.

"how many girls do you have, minho?" kitty judged.

"hey, don't judge! not all people need to be star-crossed lovers to be compatible" he smiled looking at kitty.

"like, hot people, for example" he said, pointing at himself "we can and want to play in the field"

"that's just because you haven't found your perfect match" kitty said.

"i've found many, many matches" he said, glancing at autumn before looking at kitty and kitty raised her eyebrow noticing him glancing at autumn.

"i'm just saying, i've seen the magic when people find the one" kitty smiled.

"mm-mm" he disagreed "my parents both thought they found the one. they were it couple. beautiful, young starlet. chaebol heir. the tabloids literally called them the perfect match. look at them now" he said, annoyedly.

"i'm sorry" kitty said "here. tryyy this" she handed him a small bowl of mashed potatoes.

minho sniffed it and then grabbed a spoon, taking a bite. and then nodded making a satisfied sound "okay" he said.

autumn fell on her back on the couch and drowned out their conversations, groaning.

"my headache still hasn't gone" she groaned. she rested her eyes, laying down.

after a while, minho appeared near her handing her another herbal tea. she took it and he patted her head as if she was a child and walked away.

she stood with minho and kitty as they watched many students walk in.

"well, this escalated" kitty said.

"mm-hm" minho hummed.

"wow! people are calling this chin-gu-seok" q said as he walked to them with florian behind him.

"what?" autumn and kitty asked together.

"it's a pun on chinggu, which means friend, and chuseok" florian said.

"you started a new tradition" he said to kitty.

"aw" kitty said "oh no, no, why is professor lee here?" she whispered.

"one day. can't get one day without him" autumn groaned.

"because he's sad and lonely" minho answered kitty's question and walked away.

"he hates me and its mutual" kitty said.

"don't worry. its not like you have to sit with him" q said.

minho walked towards them and to set a plate on the table as madison came behind him and said "minho. annyeong" making autumn give her a weirded out look.

minho turned to look at her. he kissed his teeth and cleared his throat "hello madison" he said.

"i wasn't expecting to see you here" she said.

he hummed and then put the plate on the table "oh my god. you cooked" she said.

"yes, but i'm not staying long. got a date" he said and autumn rolled her eyes as she sat walked away to set kore stuff on the table.

"anyway, aren't you happy to finally talk to alex?" autumn asked kitty.

"happy? i'm so nervous, minnie. i feel like jumping off a cliff" kitty answered.

"oh sure do then" autumn said as kitty stared at her with a 'are-you-kidding' me look and autumn smiled sheepishly.

she set the plate on the table and turned now standing where minho was. madison grabbed her arms and closed her eyes.

"he's so meosisseoyo" madison said.

"don't know what that means but i disagree" autumn said and madison walked away.

"sit with me" autumn ordered minho as he helped set the table.

"no way" he chuckled.

"minho where are you sitting?" madison asked standing near them.

"uh, with autumn" he said, grabbing her wrist and then taking her to their seats.

"how about a toast, kitty?" q asked.

"okay, thank you so much for coming here, everybody. this is my first chuseok, and from what i gathered you are not supposed to do it alone. maybe your family is thousands of miles away, like mine, or maybe you don't really have family, or maybe you just really like school, no judgement" she spoke and they laughed.

"whatever the reason, i'm grateful we all have somewhere to be today and for this chance to honour all our ancestors. so, here's a toast" she said and they all picked up their glasses after she did.

"to all of those who came before us. thanks, mom, wherever you are. without you, i wouldn't be here, literally on this earth, or here at kiss. and there's nowhere else i would rather be in this moment. cheers!" she smiled and they all clinked their glasses and then autumn clinked her glass with kitty's.

"you're making me emotional" autumn said as kitty laughed.

"happy chuseok" minho said to autumn, in a low voice. she looked at him her hand holding the side of her neck, and her elbow resting on the table.

"happy chuseok, minho" she smiled.

"this may be my first chuseok but i'm making a promise to myself that this will not be the last" kitty said as minho passed autumn the japchae.

"tell me how it tastes" minho said as i took a bite.

"hmm. good" she said, nodding.

"of course it is" he said.

"well, i'm off to fulfill my destiny" minho said as they people around them turned their attention to him.

autumn looked down at the table, somewhat feeling sad.

"can't wait to read about it tomorrow" q smirked and twirled his fork.

"oh, wait, you're leaving?" kitty asked minho.

"hello, hot date with a pop star?" minho said and the turned to look at look at autumn "later, sasaeng" and autumn didn't look at him even after hearing him.

he patted kitty's head making her scoff and then walked away and then alex came to sit beside autumn to talk to professor lee and then autumn stood up and sat down at the seat between q and kitty.

"you like minho" q said to her.

"what?! no, i don't!"

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