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she glared after professor lee walked away. he had given her a lecture about her bad grades. it wasn't her fault that korean studies were different than american. she always aced her tests back in portland.

she heard someone cackling from behind, and she turned around seeing minho cackling while staring at her with his hand on his neck.

"shut up!" she grunted and turned around.

kitty had decided to held an event of friendsgiving for those who don't have any relatives in korea. so, of course, autumn decided to help her until kitty had something to do relating alex so autumn had to take care of everything.

she didn't mind though. what are friends for?

her trolley was loaded with stuff, she didn't know existed but she had read on the article she found on pinterest so she put it on her cart.

"there's more than one types of soy sauce?" autumn muttered.

"huh, unbelievable" she said, raising her shoulders as she dropped a bottle on her trolley.

she looked up and saw minho, who gave her the same drop face look when she saw him.

"ugh" they groaned.

"you're seriously everywhere!" he exclaimed "you're like my very own sasaeng"

"what the hell is a sasaeng?" she asked.

"you. my very own obsessed fan" he smiled, looking at her up and down.

"you wish you were cool enough to have a sasaeng" she said, looking at him from eyes to toe with a judging look.

"what are you even doing here? shouldn't you be at a yacht being insufferable and rich?" she asked, in a fake jolly tone.

"hmm. my wife is doing that with wife number three with her new fillers" he spoke as he glanced at her cart "i have decided to stay here as a favour to all the women who wants a piece of me this chuseok"

"like madison?" she teased with hidden jealousy.

"ugh, don't mention. she's so obsessed with me. my sasaeng. life's hard when you have two sasaeng" he sighed and she rolled her eyes.

"wait, are those strawberries and chocolate?" she asked as she looked in his cart "i'm going to be sick"

"i'm sure lulu will appreciate this" he said.

"lulu? who's lulu?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"another one of your min-hoes?" she asked and then smirked.

"that was brilliant. oh my lord!" she nearly yelled as she felt so proud of coming up with that.

"cute. she is only the fastest rising pop star in the country" he told her -- after giving her his wide eyes at her question -- and her grip around the pole of the trolley tightened.

he showed her a pic and she looked at it and then glanced at him and then looked back at the picture.

"and she's going out with you? she must be blind" she spoke as she looked around the racks.

"we've been flirting since her trainee days. she's on a break from tour for the holiday. even k-pop stops for chuseok" he said.

autumn tuned out, thinking about she can be an idol as she doesn't know what she'll be in the future. she only need to learn korean and she has the looks for it. how bad can singing and dancing be.

oh yeah. my singing is awful. i can learn to dance but singing? hardpass.

she thought as minho clicked his fingers infront of her face.

"do you even know what to do with this?" he asked, picking up a bag from her trolley.

"i am admittedly entering a new territory, with the help of pinterest and a much better positive attitude" she spoke as she snatched the bag from his hands.

"if not kitty will make her 'award-winning' mashed potatoes or i'll use her recipe or something" she said and then started to move her trolley when he stopped it.

"no. no. no. as a korean national, i cannot in good conscious let you desecrate my native cuisine like this" he said as he dropped his cart in her trolley and stood infront of her moving her trolley.

"dude!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air but he ignored her.

"do you planning on poisoning everyone or do you want my help?"

the next morning she woke up with a terrible headache. she went outside without even fixing up and saw minho cooking.

"you are angelic in the morning" minho laughed.

"shut up, my head is killing me" she groaned and rested her elbows on the counter holding her head.

"who's this from" she asked as she looked at a gift basket.

"my mother. gifts are my love language" he said, and cut up some more onions as she looked at the basket.

she gasped loudly and held up a skincare product while looking at minho "this is literally so expensive back in portland and yet so effective" she said, as she looked back at the product.

"keep it. i already have two more packs of it" he said and autumn raised her eyebrows but dropped it back in the basket as she walked around the aisle.

"she send it cause she's in l.a and couldn't be here. we usually spend chuseok together" he said, on the end with a quiet voice.

"she'll be alone?" she asked.

"no, john cho has a thing" he said as his phone got a notification "oh, lulu, about time"

autumn clenched her jaw and went to her room to freshen up and fix her hair.

"you know, you're the last person that i would expect to know how to cook" she yelled from her bedroom "or do remotely anything helpful" she said as she walked out and he gave her a look.

"there are this microscopic moments where i can see why q and dae are friends with you" she said, as she walked to counter and stood beside him.

"there's an actual person in there" she poked his chest as he looked at down at his chest and she looked at her finger and then wiped her finger at his apron.

"don't try to get me to like you or anything. i'm famously anti-mi-gyeong" he said.

"i told you not to call me that" she spoke, annoyedly.

"okay, fine, i'm anti-minnie and anti-kitty" he corrected.

"and don't call me that, aswell" she said.

"and how could you stop me?" he challenged and she glared at him.

he turned away continuing his work as autumn turned away to make herself some ginger tea for her headache.

"what about you?" he asked, with their backs turned to each other.

"what about me?" she asked.

"you must be missing your family, right?" he asked, as she turned and stood beside him setting her red cup on the counter.

"yeah, i am. i haven't been away from them for this long and haven't spend chuseok without them ever" she said, as she reminisced of her family.

"i should text them" she said, and walked in her room to grab her phone.

"thanks, minho" she spoke, sincerely ass she walked out and to the kitchen.

"you're welcome" he smiled as they made eye contact and they kept it for a long time.

why do i want to kiss him?

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