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"you know what?"

"what?" minho asked.

"i'm thinking about recording my days at kiss and upload them on youtube next year. i'll use you for fame and then i'll get money and then i can buy makeup, skincare, and clothes with my own money" she explained her plan to him, joking about the fame part. maybe.

"sure" minho chuckled.

minho was supposed to help her pack but he was just talking with her, giving some help on what to pack.

"i never got to wear this dress" she sighed.

"why do you only have party once a year, ugh" she said.

"uh, hello, if i hadn't been caught i would've kept another party" he said.

"no thanks to your best friend kitty" he said and she rolled her eyes.

"will we.. meet in summer?" she asked, slowly unsure whether to ask or not.

she notices how his eyes slight soften and he nods "if you want to" and then she nods, looking at her suitcase as she pack her skincare in a small bag and then close the suitcase.

kitty was caught. the principal found out that she was staying in the boys dorm because she went out to check the results and got expelled. autumn didn't get caught, cause she was inside the dorm, sleeping.

but she couldn't leave kitty behind. so she decided to not return to kiss aswell.

kitty was her best friend, and she came to kiss to support kitty but now if kitty wasn't going to stay, why would autumn.

she had no reason to stay back.

"kitty, what are you doing?" autumn asked, looking up.

"professors, fellow students..." kitty spoke.

"oh my god" autumn whispered, hiding her face with her hands.

"principal lim" kitty said.

"whoo!" madison yelled, clapping but soon stopped slowly when no one joined her.

"kitty, please get down. this might be a bad idea" autumn said said.

"shhh" kitty shushed her.

"kiss has meant more to me than i could ever express standing on top of this table" kitty said, and then everyone attention diverted to their previous conversations.

"but now i'm gonna try!" now it's back.

"it's where i learned about my mom. i found her favourite tree. she loved it even if it wasn't in bloom because somehow... she always saw the beauty in the things. even when they weren't at their best. i learned that she could play thr guitar and-" kitty stopped watching principal lim walk out.

"hey, do you wanna get down from there?" alex asked, as he looked up to kitty.

alex helped her down and everyone went back to their conversations.

autumn was now packing all of her stuff. the ones she decided to leave behind was getting packed aswell.

"did you use my buckwheat hand cream?" minho asked.

"no" autumn lied. he nodded and closed the door.

"did you take me anti-aging serum?" he asked again opening the door.

"no. get out!" autumn exclaimed. he groaned, giving her a look, shaking his head before leaving.

"did you take his serum?" q asked.

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