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"are you all right? can i get you anything?" the guy asked.

"are you a student?" minnie asked, looking at the tall guy.

"no, i look that young?" the guy chuckles.

"no, i just wanted to ask that" minnie said and the the guy cleared his throat after a while.

"i'm alex finnerty from melbourne, australia. i'm a new teacher here this year" the guy introduced.

"autumn sangwon" she introduced herself in her normal accent.

"never mind" kitty said, trying to walk away.

"you guys are american, right?" he asked, making kitty stop.

"yes" kitty answered confusedly.

"i really admire you guys over there" alex said.

"trust me, you're the only one who thinks that" minnie said.

"you guys are also very loud" alex said.

"what?" kitty asked, loudly at the verge of crying.

"are you okay, kitty? we can leave. we can go back to our dorm and eat chocolate and plan his murder" minnie whispers stepping close to kitty.

"i noticed that americans speak louder than everyone else" alex repeated, smiling.

"forget everything that just happened" kitty said to alex.

"i am going back in there, and i am not leaving without answers" kitty said to minnie, speaking loudly and then sightly and walking away not giving a chance to minnie.

"wait, no, kittyyy" minnie said, following after thinking it's a bad idea.

"excuse me" kitty said to those two guys again.

"these girls treats korean men like pokèmon. she's trying to catch them all. not interested" the british guy said.

"you wish you were attractive enough for that" minnie said, going back in her british accent and the guy scoffed looking away and then looking at her again, this time glaring.

"i'm looking for dae" kitty said.

"okay, who are you guys?" q asked.

"i'm kitty song-covey" kitty replied.

"and this is my best friend, autumn" she said, pointing towards minnie who was still glaring at her the british guy through her siren eyes.

"you're kitty" q said, as recognition covered the boys face.

"wait, are you q?" kitty asked after being quiet.

"track-star, fellow american, heart of gold?" kitty asked and then minmie caught up on the situation.

these were dae's friends, the ones kitty told her about.

"guilty as charged. i feel like we should hug right now, should we?" q asked, smiling feeling excited.

"maybe later. i need to find dae" kitty said.

"so, you're the pen pal" the other guy said as he looked kitty up and down.

"if he's q, then you must be minho" kitty said and the minho guy bowed his head.

"of course he is" minnie said, as she looked minho from head to toe with a stony face.

kitty told minnie about minho. minho was rich and from what dae told them he was pretty spoiled. his mom was a successful actress and his dad a businessman or something.

"where's dae?" kitty asked, dropping the conversation.

and then after finding dae, she stormed away.

"i don't know, if i should go after her or not" minnie said, looking at kitty who was walking away furiously.

"so, you're autumn short for min or minnie" minho said as he looked at her up and down, with a mischievous look.

"only autumn" she corrected as she turned halfway to glare at him who glared back.

"you know, dae told us about you" q said, trying to get rid of the tension between the two.

"did he?" minnie asked, being uninterested. she looked around the food table, and then grabbed a strawberry candy popping it in her mouth.

"yeah, since your kitty's best friend. he said she talks about you alot sometimes" q said, and minnie slightly smiled.

"of course she does" minnie said.

"ugh, i'm getting bored of this conversation" minho said.

suddenly, the heard a loud commotion and turn to look it to see kitty bumping into the dessert tower, crashing all the cupcakes on the floor.

"what? never seen a girl crash into a dessert tower before?" kitty asked, glaring at the people who were staring at her and some even recording.

"now, this is interesting!" minho excitedly said.

"nothing to see here, people!" she yelled, walking but stepping on a cupcake and slipping, yelping.

some girls from the crowd yelled as minnie ran towards her friend.

"fine, maybe there is something to see" kitty said, tears gathering in her eyes and her voice wobbly.

"kitty, you okay?" minnie asked, bending down, grabbing her friend's hand.

that question was probably dumb to ask since the answer is pretty obvious. but that's like a reflex for minnie to ask that question since kitty is always falling and tripping.

dae came running for help asking kitty if she was okay.

"get away from me" kitty replied, getting up on her own and running away and minnie followed after.

"kitty, stop running. it's hard for me to run in these pencil heels" minnie called out but was ignored by kitty who kept running. she stopped dialing a number.

"what are you doing?" minnie asked, as she stepped aswell.

"booking a flight for myself" kitty said.

"then do it for me too. i can't be here alone!" minnie exclaimed.

"i don't wanna hold you back from finding our culture. i have to leave. i need to go away from this country" kitty sobbed.

"kitty, you're all i have in this unknown big city. i will be lonely if you leave so book me a flight too" minne said, grabbing kitty's arm.

"come on, kitty. we can also stay here. we can still go to kiss and learn about our culture and your mom and we will have all the fun we have. we'll explore, go out, take pictures. and make our junior year memorable. we don't have to throw that away because of that cheater!" minnie said, as kitty packed her stuff.

kitty walked tonher bed and grabbed her phone.

"he's messaging me" kitty said.

"what is he saying?" minnie asked.

"to let him explain" kitty said and just then they heard noises coming.

kitty closed the lights jumped in bed, as minnie sighed and rolled her eyes.

"dae, you little scammer" they heard, and kitty removed the blanket looking at minnie who looked back at her from the door.

"dae?!" kitty repeated as they ran towards the door, eavesdropping.


"i don't know. i feel bad for kitty" q said.

"i don't" minho chuckled as kitty and minnie made eye contact both of their eyes narrowed.

"that's cold, minho. breaking up with someone like that is brutal" q said.

"except it wasn't a breakup because it wasn't a real relationship. no one's gonna blame you for upgrading a pen pal for an actual girlfriend" minho said, and then kitty exclaimed bitterly and minnie slapped her hand over kitty's mouth.

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