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"are you a throuple now?"

minho stared at them.

"no" kitty and dae said.

"i'm gay"

yuri said, and minho looked at her, blinking.

"i came out to my mom. i move out of the penthouse. scared. excited" yuri said.

"wait, you've been gay this whole time?" minho asked.

"it's not a choice" yuri said.

"i'm getting bored" autumn says, jumping on the arm chair and putting her legs over the armrest.

"i know. i mean... so you and dae. you were in a fake relationship? kitty was right?!" minho said, in disfavour.

"i told you i know matchmaking" kitty said.

"and you're not mad at dae?" minho asked kitty.

"he lied, and lied, and lied" minho said, looking disappointed and autumn narrowed her brows.

why does he care so much? wait.. he and kitty..? no no. shut up, autumn.

"i was mad but then i forgave him" kitty smiled.

"wow. you're as trusting as my dad's third wife" minho said.

"hey, kitty and i are good. leave it alone" dae said.

"i'm not good. you lied to me too, alot. i wouldn't do that to a friend or someone i cared about" he says to dae, his eyes shifting to autumn "or kitty" he looks at kitty.

"i just wouldn't" he says and goes to his room, slamming the door shut.

"hmm" autumn frowned "that was fun" she smiled, sarcastically.

"finals make everyone crazy" yuri said.

"what was that again?" she asked minho.

"what was what?" he asked.

"that thing" she said.

"what thing?" he asked.

"ugh, minho, that thing you told me about!"

"i told you about four topics now what was the name?!"

"i don't remember it, or i would've said it, you idiot!" she said and then turned pages of his book.

"this!" she says and he nods explaining the topic again.

"so it's connected to the thing you told me last?"

"what thing?"


"i'm gonna officially kill myself"

"cold water helps. i'm happy to dump it over your head"

"shut the fuck up, minho!" autumn yells annoyedly.

"why are finals? why are they here? who the fuck created them?" she asked.

"we need music!" yuri exclaimed.

"we need coffee" dae said "who's coming with me?" he asked.

"your mom" autumn joked, her tongue slipped. she always loved making "your mom" jokes she didn't realize who she said it too.

"oh shit" she said covering her mouth with her fingers.

dae shrugged it off, not really caring.

"that happened with kitty aswell" autumn nodded.

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