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they entered the library with giggles as they had fun trying to avoid professor lee. they hid behind a cabinet while their friends try to distract lee.

"psst" dae whispered towards minho. he looked up and dae pointed towards the three girls.

minho's face slightly lit up but fell as he didn't know what to do. he nudged madison who looked at the direction he told her to look at.

she smiled and looked at minho holding his hand "watch this" she said.

"professor lee" she said in a sad tone "i have an emergency. well, it's personal"

lee inhaled deeply and walked towards madison as autumn stood up, slight dancing and acting as if she was cursing lee and showing him her middle fingers when kitty and yuri stood up aswell and kitty dragged her to their seat.

"ms. miller. would like to inquire if any of the girls here have- any of the women- women here" lee spoke and autumn stiffed a cackle "have any lady supplies she can burrow"

"i've got tanpons"

"i have pads"

"just use a tissue" autumn joked and then laughed and clapped on her own joke.

"ahem, i have pads too. would you like them professor?" she asked after clearing her throat "for madison of course" she continued after he shifted his body towards her, awkwardly.

"amaze-balls" madison smiled and stood up. walking towards the two girls and grabbed tampons and took a pad from autumn.

"amaze-balls" lee repeated "amaze-balls. thank you" he repeated again as the three girls chuckled quietly, trying so hard not to burst into laughter.

autumn literally yelled when she saw that dae kissed kitty.

"oh my innocent eyes!" she yelled, hiding her face in q's arm.

"ew ew ew ew" she said.

"shut up that is so adorable" q said.

"they are sucking each other's faces!" she exclaimed.

"unfamiliar concept for you, isn't it, sangwon?" minho snarked as he walked pass.

"asshole!" she exclaimed.

"i am so single, it's actually shocking" autumn said, as she stared at dae and kitty with a dead look in her eyes.

the door opened and they all looked towards minho who walked out with his suitcase and a bag.

"god" he sighed.

"dude, it's a camping trip. in tents. in nature. for two days" autumn said.

"i know. that's why i packed light" minho said boredly, staring at her with dead eyes and then walked out as autumn rolled her eyes and looked annoyedly at kitty and dae who were laughing silently.

"minho, have i told you how bad you look?" autumn asked as they walked towards the bus after dae had walked away quickly so autumn fell in step with minho.

he rolled his eyes and looked at her "no. you haven't" he said, boredly.

"you don't" she said with no emotion and then walked away rather quickly.

autumn groaned loudly as madison and these two other girls yelled loudly.

"it's 8 in the morning!" she groaned as she walked with kitty.

"we own it all to minho and his famous mom!" madison said and jumped wrapping her thighs around his waist.

"woah!" he said and chuckled and kept looking at her.

autumn clenched her fist and jaw watching the scene unfold.

he was in such a bad mood this morning towards me and now he's all happy with madison?? autumn thought.

"so professor lim cancelled the ski weekend so we could go to his grandmother's village instead!" madison squealed.

"i'd rather go skiing" autumn said, looking at kitty who looked back at her.

"what if my skin gets bad in the sun?" she asked, worriedly and kitty shook her head, smiling.

"principal lim wants to keep my dad happy so she'll agree to anything i want" madison said.

"god, you are so full of yourself" autumn said as she walked in between yuri and her minions and madison and minho. yuri slightly smiled before dropping her face and looking at madison.

"hey uh... autumn wanna sit with me?" a guy from her class asked as she entered the bus.

she nodded sitting down next to him and they introduced each other.

minho walked into the bus, his face dropping as he saw autumn sitting with a boy and she chuckled at something the guy said.

he clenched his jaw and roll his eyes going to the back.


fine triple update for you spoiled brats. i stopped taylor swift for this😔 anyway idk why i liked writing this chapter and don't think that i'm unfunny guys.

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