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autumn rested her head on her arm, which was sprawled over the table as her two friends watched a zombie show. tuning in and out of their conversation.

"i miss my best friend" kitty said and autumn sat up, throwing her hands in the air.

"no offence" kitty said.

"you're like a sister" she continued and autumn nodded and went to rest again.

she dozed off to sleep but was woken up by her best friend aggressively shaking her 5 minutes later.

"we're going on a hike!"

autumn stretched herself, hearing q talk with squinted eyes as the sun was shining directly into her eyes.

"all right, people. welcome to kiss's outdoors club. first rule of outdoors club: please talk about outdoors club that would be very helpful because we did lose a few members this summer. all right let's get started with some stretches" q spoke.

"i'm already tired" she said to kitty who smiled and the waved to dae who walked over and autumn walked over to q.

"what about my mom!?" yuri yelled, walking to the two and autumn rolled her eyes.

"sorry, guys, i'm late. sorry"

"all right, who's ready to go on a hike?" minho asked, walking towards them.

"ugh, the one place i thought you wouldn't be at" autumn groaned.

"minho, what are you doing here?" dae asked.

"what? can't hang out with my best friends?" he asked, and rested his hands on his knee.

"hey" a girl said to him over his shoulder and he flinched away.

"i don't think we've met yet. i'm madison" the girl introduced bringing her hand forward.

minho stared at her hand while fixing his collar and then shook her hand. "minho" he introduced and autumn rolled her eyes.

"ohh, she's the girl who's koreaboo coded" she muttered to herself, as minho glanced at her.

"i know" the girl said in a seductive way still shaking minho's hand.

"we can talk on the hike. let's go people" q said, reaching over autumn and hitting minho's shoulder.

"make sure you stay hydrated. i hope you have used the bathroom cause there are none!"

"ugh, i'm gonna faint" autumn gasped, as she breathed heavily.

"you guys are making great time! let's keep up the pace, people!" q appraised.

"i'm dying!" autumn yelled.

"worms! worms! worms!" yuri yelled, jumping.

autumn laughed and said "thanks, yuri. needed that" and yuri glared at her.

"we're in nature. embrace it!" q scolded.

"is it on me? i thought the worm followed me! where is it?" yuri asked.

"chill. it's not on you. you're aren't that likeable" autumn said.

"then where is it?" yuri asked.

"on the ground, probably!" autumn exclaimed.

"oh, look" a girl said, and they all looked seeing kitty's in dae's arms.

"aww" autumn said then acted as if she was about to throw up.

yuri walked to them and cleared her throat.

"tell your friend to stop clawing her paws into dae" minho said.

"no" minnie said.

"in the outdoors club, the only thing we take more seriously than cardiovascular endurance is safety!" q exclaimed.

"i'm still dying!" autumn yelled.

"you're fine" he yelled back.

"aw, don't worry, kitty. it wasn't as bad as when you fell into those cupcakes" yuri said.

"yeah, cause this time dae used his arms to stop kitty from falling" autumn said, trying to annoy yuri.

"yeah and i'm more worried about you and those worms" kitty said, following after yuri.

"they were very big worms" yuri said.

"sure, they were" kitty said.

"atleast, i know how to watch where i'm going " yuri said.

"here, take my picture" autumn said, slamming her phone on minho's chest.

"aisshhh" he groaned and complied.

he took one picture with no effort and gave her phone back.

"ugh, you're so annoying" she said.

"wanna bet?" kitty asked, and everyone looked at her and then she started sprinting up the hill.

"just makes sure you stick together!" q said, as minnie started to slowly follow the two girls not wanting to be left alone with random people.

as she reached the top of the hill, she saw yuri and kitty standing together watching the beautiful scenery of the whole city.

"oh, it's beautiful" autumn said, standing next to yuri.

"i wonder if my mom stood here. she loved hiking. she used to take my sisters all the time" kitty said.

"atleast, that's what they told me" she continued.

"my mom would take me to the department store and forget me there. she'd send the nanny back to get me" yuri said.

"did you know our moms knew each other at kiss. crazy, right?" kitty asked, when yuri looked at her.

"yeah... crazy" yuri said.

"feeling extremely left out" autumn said, and they all stood in a comforting silence.

autumn nudged yuri with he hand that held her phone and said "take my picture" while looking at the scenery.

just then dae came and yuri told kitty to take their picture. kitty annoyedly took it and then noticed something in the picture.

she gave it back and then ran away "where you're going?!" autumn yelled after.

"to the hospital!" kitty yelled to her and autumn immediately understood what she had meant and ran after her.

they ran through the roads and streets of seoul, kitty running infront of her while autumn was back.

"ooh, yum" kitty stopped seeing a yogurt stand while autumn ran but stopped turning to look at kitty.

"focus" autumn yelled and kitty started running again.

they reached the hospital and found out that old records are extremely confidential and so kitty decided to sneak and of course, autumn couldn't leave her behind so she joined aswell.

kitty used her matchmaking skills -- which involved a bouquet aswell -- to sneak in and then opened the computer which had everything written in korean.

after, finding the search bar she searched her mom's name up and then took a picture when it showed up.

"adopted to australia?" autumn repeated and then a doctor entered the room.

"oh fuck" autumn whispered.

the man said something in korean and kitty shakily said hi in korean, brokenly and waved.

the doctor yelled something and then a few guards showed up.

"do we get a phone call?"

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