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autumn entered minho's tent and saw that everything was basically valentine themed. he was sitting on the bed using his phone when he looked up seeing her.

"are you planning on proposing to madison?" she asked, looking around.

"was. she rejected me" minho said and autumn started laughing.

"aww, minho got rejected" she laughed using her hands to push his cheeks together.

"i don't get it. she was so obsessed with me like" he scoffed, pushing her hands away.

"girls are like that" she said in fake sympathy.

"ooh strawberries" she said and grabbed the plate sitting down on the bed next to him where a heart shape was formed with rose petals.

"is that champagne?" she asked, narrowing her brows.

"yeah" he sighed.

"oh i'm sorry, i thought you were extremely against underage drinking in korea" she said, sarcastically.

"what are you doing here anyway?" minho asked.

"dae has taken kitty to a date and q is busy with florian so i was bored and you were my last option" she said and he scoffed.

autumn sobbed and wiped her nose and tears on the tissue and threw it in the trash can. she stared at the big screen infront of her playing '20th century girl'.

"oh god" she breathed as she threw her head back and sobbed.

they came back from the trip and autumn couldn't sleep. everyone in the dorm was already asleep, except her and she decided to watch that movie.

big mistake.

she was sitting in the dark, almost. only the kitchen light and the tv screen was enlightening the living room.

minho walked out of his room, seeing autumn sobbing on the couch.

"are you crying?" he asked and she looked up.

"he died" she replied and sobbed.

he sighed and shook his head, walking towards her. he sat down next to her, and wrapped an arm around her gesturing her to rest her head on his shoulder.

she rested her head on his shoulder and sobbed.

"they were so amazing and cute and perfect. and fuck he was so cute he didn't deserve to die" she said.

he sighed and kept quiet. she calmed down after a while and looked at minho.

he was so beautiful.

he looker back at her, his eyes flickering to her lips. she leaned in close but stopped, not knowing whether he wants to or not.

he glanced in her eyes and then back at her lips, leaning close to attach their lips when they were interrupted.

"i heard crying" q said, sleepily.

"a reason, a season, or a lifetime"

minho said, sitting on the couch as autumn sat on the arm chair, watching q workout.

"what are you talking about?" q asked, stopping his workout.

"every relationship fits into one of those categories. i read it in a magazine. the point is, madison and i are over. and looking back, i believe i was with her for a reason" minho said, and autumn sipped on her smoothi, uninterested.

they didn't talk about their almost kiss at midnight. they didn't talk about anything at all.

"long legs?" q smirked.

"no, she showed me i'm ready for something real" minho said.

"wow" q said.

"only you could come out of getting dumped somehow feeling better about yourself" q said and minho chuckled.

"how are things with florian?" minho asked.

"he's going through some stuff but i'm here for him" q said, nodding and then kitty stepped out of their room along with dae.

"good morning!" kitty said, happily.

"good morning" dae smiled, as kitty hugged him and he twirled her around.

minho rolled his eyes and leaned back on the couch as autumn spoke "i'm gonna throw up"

"you look so beautiful today" dae said.

"i'll make the coffee" kitty said.

"and i'll grab the cups" dae said.

"and i'll jump off the balcony" autumn said.

"it's too early to be this cheery" minho said.

"i am this cheery,  not only because i have the most perfect boyfriend in the world but it has come to my attention that i am failing all of my classes. so if we, me and minnie, don't do amazing on our finals, we will be flunk out of school" kitty said as dae set their mugs on the table.

"i'm okay with that" autumn said.

"and that brings you cheer because....?" q asked.

"because if i dwell on the fact that i was considered super-smart at home and here i can barely keep up, i will start sobbing" kitty said.

"we have a week before finals. we're gonna make study plans, and everyone would help you two" dae said.

"i'm very busy-" minho said but got cut off.

"everyone" dae smiled "guys, kitty and i are finally together. i'm not gonna let her fail out of this school now"

"well, i'm in. i'll help them with chem" q said.

"thank you" dae said.

minho spoke something in korean and kitty took offense "what did you call me?" she asked.

"exactly" he said, and kitty nodded.

"i'll help kitty with the other subjects and you'll help minnie" dae said to minho and autumn went wide eyes.

oh no no no no.

"dae has been top of our class, like, every semester. so you're in good hands. and minho is also good so you're good too" q said to autumn and kitty.

"or, we'll fail out, have to leave my true love, and disgrace my mother's legacy, which i realize is even greater than i thought" kitty said.

"so" kitty said as everyone grabbed their cups, with autumn grabbing her red one "no pressure" she sighed.

"yuri is staying with us?" autumn asked as she stared at kitty, yuri, and q, shockedly.

"wow" she said.

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