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"thank you for saving us from the hospital"

kitty said to alex, as we walked through the busy food streets of seoul.

"what were you both doing there anyway?" alex asked.

"it's a long story" kitty said.

"well, lucky i was there to sweet talk the guards" he said.

"yes, so your korean was almost as bad as ours" autumn said.

"hey! don't judge you had a head start" alex said as kitty looked at the delicious food on someone's table and a woman offered her some but kitty refused.

"head start?" kitty asked.

"one of your parents is korean and autumn's parents are koreans, right?" alex asked.

"mine are both white" he continued.

"really?" kitty asked as autumn started to get bored of their conversation, and looked around, engrossing herself in other entertainment tuning their conversation out.

she walked and bumped into kitty who stopped walking but autumn continued walking before kitty grabbed her arm and pulled her in.

"alex can be my brother" she whispered to autumn.


"it's gonna rain soon. we should hurry"

"is q here?" kitty asked as she ran in the boys' dorm, autumn a few steps behind her.

"we have eight minutes till curfew"

"yeah, in his room" dae said and kitty nodded running in his room.

autumn squinted her eyes at minho who narrowed his eyes back at her. she continued glaring at him until she was at q's door and then she stepped inside, shutting the door behind her.

kitty ranted on and on about her theories and how alex could be her stepbrother while q interrupted his thoughts in between but autumn stayed silent.

"kitty we should go shopping sometimes. i need to buy more skincare stuff" autumn spoke in between.

"yeah sure" kitty said and then resumed her previous conversation.

"wait, your accent was fake?" q turned to autumn and she smirked, and shrugged.

after a while, the door knocked and was opened by minho.

"we need to show you guys something" dae said.

"what?! my roommate put me on some weird website as i was sleeping?!" kitty exclaimed as they all watched her sleep.

"my god!"

"i don't see the appeal" minho shook his head.

"yet you somehow found the site" q said.

"and look at this" minho said, taking his phone out and showing it to autumn.

she leaned close, close enough to feel his body heat as she watched the video playing on his video.

it was a video posted by her roommate on her insta where autumn had walked in on her roommate and her boyfriend doing some stuff.

of course the video didn't show the whole thing but the video was zoomed on autumn showing her shocked and disgusted face before she disappeared behind the door. there was a poll on the video saying 'should she join us in our next video?;))' with the options 'yes' or 'no'.

autumn pressed on the yes button and saw that 98% percent of perverts voted for yes.

"oh my god, what the hell?!" she exclaimed loudly, backing away with a disgusted look on her face.

dae shut the laptop as minho shut his phone after blocking the account.

"kitty, you should move. both of you. you can't live with those girls anymore" dae said.

"yeah, i agree with dae. this is very sketchy and creepy and gross" q said.

"we tried to move!" autumn exclaimed.

"there are no other rooms" kitty said.

"uh, how about a hotel? my driver could take you right now" minho suggested.

"can't afford that for an entire semester" kitty said.

"unless.. you're planning on paying" autumn said, looking at minho.

"i'm sure dae can hook you up with a discount at han hotels" minho chuckled.

"shut up, minho" kitty said.

"alright, just trying to help" minho said, turning away.

"yeah, well it's not working" autumn said.

"okay, i have an idea. they should live here" q suggested.

"with who? kitty with dae?" minho asked.

"no!" both kitty and dae said as autumn hit minho's shoulder.

"okay, just listen to me for a second. you should switch rooms with kitty so autumn, kitty, and i could be in the room with the three beds" q said, to minho.

"because i mean. you both don't want to stay in the same room, do you?" q asked, looking between autumn and minho.

"no!" they exclaimed simultaneously.

"so, what do you guys think?" q turned to dae and kitty who turned to look at each other.

everyone was silent before minho spoke up again.

"wait... you're british accent was fake?!"

"ugh, now i have to watch your face every morning. my days are getting worse" she groaned as she stepped out of her room. she was rolling her skirt when she looked up seeing minho, standing in the kitchen eating cereal while staring at her.

"good morning to you too, princess" he said, in a teasing and mocking manner.

she rolled her eyes and acted as if she was gonna throw up before walking to the kitchen and getting coffee in her red cup and then the two heard kitty and dae have the most awkward conversation while standing side by side.

autumn couldn't believe it. she was walking with her nemesis, with a frappuccino in her hand that he bought her while the two walked to class together. kitty had went with q and dae had left to meet kitty so now it was just minho and autumn.

"why does kitty call you minnie or min when your name is autumn" minho asked.

"are you in familiar with the concept of nickname?" she sassed.

"but where does it come from?"

"my korean name is mi-gyeong, the one that my grandmother kept for me after my birth but since i was born in portland my parents kept my name as autumn. so basically min comes from my korean name or the last two letter of my real name 'mn' which can be pronounced as 'min'" she explained as the walked.

"and minnie?"

"well, minnie is just a very lazy nickname i guess. kitty used to call me minnie when we were kids and i guess it just stucked and now my baby sister, lia, also calls me minnie" she spoke.

"well both of those nicknames are cringe" he said.

"whatever... poopy baby!" she exclaimed.

"you better not call me that again" he threatened.

"or what?" she said, mimicking his accent and he rolled his eyes making her laugh.

"i can't believe i actually made you and q think i was actually british!" she laughed.

"and dae?" he asked.

"dae already knew, of course" she spoke and then they both got silent as they walked to their first class.

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