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the night passed with her drinking and dancing with her friends and now she was flirting with a guy.

"so, how'd you know minho?" autumn asked.

"well, my father is friends with his mother, so we know each other" he said and autumn nodded.

"so, are you single?" he asked, stepping close as he poured alcohol from his flask to his and her drink as she watched.

"mhmm" she said, and then watched as yuri started dancing with her friends on the dance floor everyone surrounding her

"i'll catch you later" she said to him and ran to kitty.

"let's dance. we have to! i love this song!" autumn yelled and finally kitty agreed.

they started dancing, moving their body, taking up space. and then encountered a funny moment between dae and kitty as q and florian joined them.

"oh my god, minho!" autumn yelled as she saw minho.

she walked towards him and wrapped drunkenly wrapped her arms around his neck. he looked at confused before slowly wrapping his arms around her waist.

"let's dance!" she yelled, extremely intoxicated.

"are you okay?" he asked.

"yeah, why wouldn't i be? perfectly and extremely fine" she whispered the last part as she rested her head near his neck.

minho eyes slightly widened but then he smiled.

as yuri started DJing, autumn danced with the guy from before as he gripped her waist and they danced.

"wait, what's your name again?" she asked, moving her body to the beat.

"leo" he answered.

"leo" she repeated and glanced at yuri who shot her a wink.

autumn smiled and then turned to leo smiling as she rested her arms on his shoulder, as they both moved their bodies towards each other.

although, it didn't stop autumn from wishing she was dancing with minho.

minho watched the two dance from afar with a fire of jealousy in his eyes as he clenched his jaw, glaring at the guy who kept lowering his hands from her waist.

he had came to stop the party but when he saw this. whatever this was going on with autumn and that guy, it angered him. it made him jealous. she was so close to him tonight and then just walked away and now she was with this random guy.

"hey, you" madison said to him as she walked to him.

"its okay to not want a relationship. with us, it'd be nothing serious, just fun" she said. minho looked at her and then kissed her.

autumn looked around, seeing florian and q dancing and making out. she saw kitty and dad talking in each other ear. and minho... minho kissing madison.

autumn looked down feeling a pang of sadness and jealous in her heart and then she looked at leo.

she leaned forward and then he did and attached their lips. it didn't give her any spark. it didn't give her butterfly in her stomach. there was nothing there and it was just a simple makeout.

minho glanced at the two, who were now making out, as he continued kissing madison. he clenched his fist and then closed his eyes.

suddenly, the music stopped and they pulled away. everyone looked at the stage and saw principal han and professor lee.

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