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autumn sat tiredly in her counter chair, as she took a bite of her cut up strawberries that were in her bowl.

minho walked towards her, standing next to her leaning forward to grab the acurite.

( i don't know if its called a acurite or something else )

"ugh, minho, can you atleast put a shirt on when i'm eating, god" she groaned as he stepped away fanning himself with the acurite.

"hey, it's not my fault you can't handle this" he scoffed, gesturing to his body.

autumn glanced at his body and then looked away. she fiddled with her fingers and then look back at him to see him enjoying the air of the acurite while having his eyes closed.

autumn felt bold as she always was. she stood up and walked close towards him making him open his eyes and look at her.

"you're right" she said making him confused.

she touched his abs, her finger running down the column of his abs.

he closed the acurite and then asked "i'm- i'm right?" as if he couldn't belive it.

she grabbed the acurite form his hand and put it on the counter. she gripped his shoulders and then jumped to wrap her legs around his waist as he held the back of her thighs.

"you're very hot, minho" she sighed softly, and then wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his jaw.

she pulled away, slightly looking into his eyes as she leaned closer to kiss him. he pushed back her hair and she smiled leaning more close until their lips touched but didn't collide.

minho yelled, waking up and sitting in his bed breathing heavily.

"well, what are you gonna wear on minho's madness party?" q asked autumn after they settled on the table chairs.

autumn drank a sip from my juice and set my glass down.

"ooh, i have this black velvet dress that has these white sprinkles over them and it looks like stars" autumn answered.

"ohh, sounds cool and you, kitty?" q asked.

"i'm not going" kitty said.

"what?" both autumn and q asked.

"why? it's the event of the year" q said.

"because dae and yuri will probably be there" kitty said.

"yuri will be there. she's DJing" q said "but dae never goes to these things so you don't have to worry about that"

"i'm not worried. i just don't care to spend time with somebody who can't acknowledge a meaningful gesture" kitty said.

"he didn't even say 'thank you' for the necklace" kitty said "not even an emoji. that necklace was my mom's. i gave to dae when his mom died"

"girl, literally fuck him. ask for your necklace back and forget about him. he's a bitch" autumn said, sipping on her juice.

"okay, while i would love to sit here and talk about this again, i think i'd rather shove scissors in my ears. yeah" q said.

"so true" autumn said and took another sip. the juice was simply to good.

"seriously, this whole week i've been hearing is, dae, necklace, yuri, alex, necklace, alex, yuri, dae, necklace" q said.

"oh wow" autumn said.

"you're like a robot thats malfunctioning stuck on a loop. and you came here to have new experiences and live your life. you know what minho's madness party is?" q asked and smiled.

"a new experience" he said.

"ugh, god, i can't believe i was about to stay in on a friday night, pouting about a boy" kitty groaned.

"lara jean effect" autumn said.

"oh no, i am turning into lj" kitty realised after hearing autumn's words.

"sure. okay but tonight. we're gonna go out into the big world and be a new kind of kitty" q said.

"new kind of kitty who'll?" kitty asked.

"who'll find someone to kiss" autunn said.

"i always thought dae will be my first kiss and now he's the only boy in the world who can't be" kitty said.

"i know. i know but think of all the new possibilities. seriously, use that matchmaker skill on yourself. switch it up"

autumn had told kitty to go without her since she was taking to long to get ready and finally after autumn was ready she walked out and walked to the place.

she walked inside confidently, looking around to see her friends.

"who's that?" minho asked dae as she stared at the girl.

"go check!" dae yelled.

minho walked towards her, stopping a few feet away as he smirked and looked at her up and down.

"autumn!" kitty yelled and she turned around.

"oh no!" minho yelled "oh fuck. why again!?"

"oh my god, you look so stunning!" q said, to her.

"and hot" florian added.

"thank you, guys!" autumn chuckled.

soon after they ordered mocktails everyone who walked passed them checked out kitty and autumn.

"told you everyone will lose their mind" q said.

"dae is here" kitty said and they looked at him.

"no, i'm here to look for a new boy to kiss" kitty said and then took a mock tail from q.

"what are you doing?" q asked.

"i'm getting ready to get the whole 'meeting new people' thing started. never actually had alcohol before, but liquid courage, right?" kitty said.

"uh, there's actually no alcohol in these. mocktails only. underage drinking in korea, huge no-no. people had cancelled for that" q explained.

"well, lucky for us. i'm french" florian said and showed them a flask.

"fuck yeahh" autumn laughed.

he added a little to every glass "more more more" autumn said and florian cheered and laughed adding more to the glass.

"okay that's enough" q stopped him.

"it's been so long since i had alcohol. ever since i came to korea i felt as if i had gotten sober. back in portland every single parties will have alcohol" autumn spoke.

"i remember always having to take care of drunk autumn" kitty said and they all laughed.

then they all stood with another glasses of mocktails and found a guy for kitty. kitty gestured him to come forward, flirtatious and the guy smiled suddenly dancing and walking in a funny manner.

autumn burst into laughter "no, no, no" florian and q said as q took away kitty and florian dragged autumn.

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