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"ugh, where am i supposed to get a tutor?" minnie groaned, as she jumped on the couch on her back.

"oh, dae was supposed to tutor me... but i don't think that's happening soon so maybe he can tutor you?" kitty asked.

"no" minnie refused, without hesitation and then looked at q.

"i can't. i'm busy" q said, and minnie groaned, helplessly.

"ugh, fine, i'll be generous enough and do a work of charity by tutoring you" minho said, sitting down on the armchair.

"oh, i'm flattered" minnie said, sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"you know what. i don't need tutor. i'll just use translator" minnie said.

"what will you do in finals? phones aren't allowed" q asked.

"cheat" minnie said, unsure cause she never had cheated before. she would study and get an A or her lowest which was B-.

"no" the three of them refused, simultaneously.

"and who am i kidding? you've never even cheated before" kitty said.

minnie groaned, hiding her face with her hands, throwing her head over the armrest.

"do you think it was because of me?" minnie asked.

"what was because of you?" kitty asked.

"me exposing minho. dae told you about it and you told me. do you think that's why he's mad and rude?" minnie asked, guiltily.

"i don't know. but it wasn't a big deal like he made it out to be" kitty said, narrowing her eyes.

autumn fixed kitty's hair and touched up her lipstick, and stood beside q as he took his picture with a chalkboard in her hand saying "grade 11th"

and then it was autumn's turn. q took multiple pictures cause autumn would take out a fault in any one.

"this is it" she said, as she stared at the picture of herself.

being in uniform, her hair open, and she smiled widely her eyes closing in the process.

an attachment.

" grade 11. damn. soon i'll be going to college😩😩 i know thats what you'll say when you see this picture. i have known you all for so long, you're getting predictable😭 anyway. school has been so fun oh my god like it's so fun i never want to come home ever again.

xoxo, min. "

autumn would do anything to go back home. life's been getting boring here. she wasn't not getting the male attention like she used to back at home, not that she needed their validation. she just liked when men were obsessed with her.

"oh my god" hearing kitty's voice autumn looked up from her phone as she stopped writing.

"what?" q asked.

"oh my god!"

"oh my god, kitty, what?"

"i think- i think my mom had a baby here" kitty said.

"what?!" minnie yelled.

"i'm sorry, you weren't assigned a proper dormitory" mr. lee said.

"that's okay" kitty said.

"oversights like this don't often happen at kiss" mr. lee said, writing something on the paper.

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