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"the secret ingredient is goat cheese" kitty said and then professor lee put the mashed potatoes back in its bowl.

"no, thank you. i'm in the lactose-intolerant majority. it's a commonality among east asians. i'll just have more of minho's japchae" professor lee said and for some odd reason autumn heart start beating hardly against her chest at the mention of minho.

"oh, i didn't know" kitty chuckled.

"because you lack attention to detail" professor lee said as autumn frowned at him.

"if you two had paid more attention, your grades wouldn't be suffering" lee said.

"to be fair, my body got used to cheese. it was in everything where i grew up" alex said.

"how quaint" lee said with a blank face.

and then the two got in another conversation while autumn and kitty watched something on kitty's phone as if they were hiding a secret.

"western teenagers tend to forget their manners" lee said, looking at the two teenagers who glanced at each other with a look and then looked at professor lee giving him a smile.

autumn phone started blowing up and so she picked it up seeing multiple messages by minho.

poppy baby fr







autumn remembered what professor lee had said and then stood up, telling kitty she has to go help minho.

"minho?" she called out as she walked down the stairs.

"where the hell are you?" she asked, walking past the bushes.

"what the hell did you put in those potatoes?!" he exclaimed scaring her and she yelped.

"milk, cheese, and a lot of more lactose" she said, as she stood in front of him just the bushes between them.

"god" he scoffed glaring at her.

"hey, i didn't make those mashed potatoes!" she exclaimed.

and then started giggling.

"poopy baby?" she asked.

"shut up" he said.

"poopy baby has returned" she giggled and almost laid on the ground laughing.

"that's lulu. you have to get rid of her. she can't see me like this. if her fans find out, i'm done for. do somethinggg. you owe me, sangwon" he said.

"i don't owe you anything but fine fine. okay" she said and then turned around.

"but don't ruin this for me. keep her interested" he said, as her back was still to him and she rolled her eyes.

"minny, i'm here" lulu said.


autumn almost laughed at the nickname and the similarity.

( i swear i didn't even know lulu called him that but damn this is so funny )

"hey, minho's running behind" she said, walking close.

"who are you?" lulu asked.

"i'm minho's... six o'clock. yeah" autumn nodded.

"that jerk double book me?!" lulu asked.

"well, you didn't think he's all yours, did you? he's the hottest guy in school" he is autumn thought "he's very sexy and charismatic. i get why girls can't hold themselves back when he's around. he's like a.... magnet" autumn spoke.

"and the way he gives pleasu-... nvm" autumn said as lulu looked her with a calm and interested look.

"let me just say that he has ruined me... for other boys... and.. men" she said and then exhaled loudly and then fanned herself with her hand closing her eyes.

"that's intriguing. but i refsue to be sloppy seconds" lulu said "you tell minho i'll be back at six o'clock tomorrow night. he better clear the rest of his schedule!"

"when he spends a night with me. he'll won't be seeing anyone else after" lulu said and autumn slightly narrowed her eyes.

okay girl. shore.

"okay?" autumn said, slightly confused as lulu walked back to her car.

"you're genius! i could hug you right now" minho happily said.

"whatever" autumn said, annoyedly and then walked away leaving a confused minho behind who then shrugged it off.

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