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"it has to be fake" kitty said, as minnie looked to where she was looking seeing dae give yuri a piggyback ride.

"i don't know, it looks pretty real to me" minnie said as kitty glared at her.

"what? what fake boyfriend give his fake girlfriend a piggyback ride?" minnie said, as she turned away to sign the paper at the table.

"huh?" a guy from beside them said.

"don't you think? when people are performative like that?" kitty said to the guy "i'm kitty song-covey, it's nice to meet you" she continued dropping the conversation and bringing her hand forward, smiling brightly.

"hey, you're the portland stalker!" he exclaimed, ignoring her hand and the students around the table laughed.

"call her that again and see what happens" minnie threatened and kitty pulled her away from the table.

they both put their own headphones on, and nodded to each other as they walked. kitty with a sweet smile on her face, while minnie had a bitchy face on.

kitty and minnie had a separate class so they parted away after giving each other a hug. minnie searched in her map and then got lost looking around.

she asked a teacher who told her and she finally reached her maths class.

she opened the door, running in and then stopping making her slide as she looked around wear to sit.

she saw minho, talking to some students and the seat beside him was empty, surprisingly.

she saw another empty seat next to a girl. she contemplated on where to sit.

she could sit with minho, who she knows of and could argue with him the whole class or she could sit with this random unknown girl who can turn out to be really bitchy or a really sweet person.

she met eyes with minho, and then she walked towards his table, and then turned away sitting with the random girl, who gave her a small smile as she sat.

after class had ended, basically everyone had almost left except minho and autumn.

"miss sangwon, after seeing your previous test scores i had enlisted your name on the tutoring session to be tutored" her maths teacher said, stopping her from walking away.

"what? i have never been tutored before" she said.

infact, she is the one tutoring.

"it shows" her teacher said, and minho laughed from behind.

autumn turned around and glared at him, turning back to her teacher. she slightly bowed and walked out.

"where should we sit and with who?" minnie asked, as she turned around with minnie with her lunch tray in hand.

kitty walked towards a table with two empty chairs but stopped as the girl said something to the girl in a way to whisper but turned to say it loudly.

"are the portland stalkers half or just white?"

ninnie stepped forward to correct the girl that she was korean and kitty was half but kitty walked away, grabbing minnie's hand, turning to another table.

"oh my god, she got a cupcake in her tray" a girl said and smiled.

"didn't she get enough of those last night?" another girl asked.

do these girls have no shame at all? talking shit about someone so loudly making them feel miserable.

minnie had thought and she thought something else as well.

yeah, sure maybe she talked shit about someone. or talked about a shitty person, but never aloud. maybe sometimes she doesn't wanna hurt their feelings cause it's even ruder to talk shit to their face.

kitty saw a table with two empty chairs and also where q was sitting so she walked there, setting her tray down and so did minnie.

"heyyy! sup, guys?" kitty asked, sitting down.

"hey, you're the portland-" a guy's aid but got interrupted.

"portland stalker, yeah" kitty said.

"i earned a serial killer name on day one" kitty said and q and minnie laughed, as the guy beside kitty moved away.

"i really shouldn't be talking to you" q said.

"i.. gotta stay on team dae" q said and minnie rolled her eyes.

"kitty, i'm gonna go.." minnie excused herself and kitty nodded.

minnie decided to look around and check out the art room where she might spend her time in between breaks.

she spent her break in the cafe, and the went to her chemistry class. she ran inside and stopped, sliding seeing everyone already seated.

"good job, autumn. you're right on time" alex said.

"i have been getting familiar with the school" she said, looking at him as she walked to a free desk not realising who she's sitting with.

she sat down putting her bag on the ground and turning to look at the person beside her.

they made eye contact and sighed annoyedly, rolled their eyes and looked back in annoyance simultaneously.

"can you please just get out of my life?" minho asked.

"trust me, i'd love to avoid you as much as possible" she said.

"you and that kitty need to go home. dae has made his position clear. the longer you stay, the more pathetic your friend look" he said.

"no pore-clogged spoiled brat, tell me what to do and where to go" she said, turning her body towards him, her arms resting on the desk.

"i haven't had a clogged pore in four years" he sighed, proudly.

"oh but you're wrong. there- there it is" she pointed to his face and he grabbed her wrist.

they looked at each other for a few seconds, before she snatched her hand away.

"are you even  supposed to be in this class?" minho asked, and autumn gave him a look.

"professor finnerty, i want a new partner. the other portland stalker is in remedial classes" minho said, rasing his hand and then glaring at her.

"no" alex said and turned back to his board.

"don't you dare call me or my friend that" she threatened.

"you mean "portland stalker". that's the unfortunate things about nicknames. they tend to stick" he said.

"i suppose that's true" she smiled, sarcastically and rested her head on her hand looking at him.

"poopy baby!" she said, leaning close to him watching his eyes widened.

"what did you just call me?" minho asked.

"what you heard me saying" she said, nodding and then started humming a song loudly.

"shut up" minho said "shut up!" he whispered, harshly covering her mouth and they made eye contact was again.

both unmoving, they're eyes stuck on each other.

minnie licked his mouth and he pulled his hand back abruptly being disgusted and she hummed the song even loudly. and everyone started to look at her.

"it's him!" she smiled as the students laughed.

"okay, okay that's fine. everybody can pick their own lab partners, but quickly" alex said, and minho sighed, gratefully.

she got up, grabbing her bag walking past minho but not before muttering a "poopy baby" in his ear, quickly.

she went to sit at a desk and soon after kitty joined her after doing her matchmaking.

a girl sat down with minho, cutely muttering a hello in korean and then staring at him while doing her thing making minho wish -- a little -- that autumn was still next to him.

"now, this is chemistry" kitty smiled, looking at boy who had a iguana on his shoulder.

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