Chapter 1

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"Out!"Himbrey shouts as the ball smashes
itself across the arena. "Again"

God, I swear if this next one finishes on the other side of the line , I will kill someone.


I don't know if it's the lack of sleep from yesterday or just the fact that I'm a total pile of stress since Monday that makes me fuck up every single one my serves.

At the start of training, I was absolutely nailing my hits, but of course, Coach Himbrey had to stuff her little nose and crash into the middle of training, to criticise all the little bits that we weren't doing the exact perfect way. Were we giving every single piece of our strength? Sure. Was it however enough for Aubrey Himbrey? Absolutely fucking not. Nothing is never good enough for her. She's never smiling, she's always in a mood, and God forbid, she never congratulates us, even if we win one hell of a match.

Rumour has it, is that the only time she left a ray of emotion out was, when BHU's under16 made it to nationals three years ago, and it was barely a smile.

"Preston if that next serve even touches the line, you're running" Gosh, that doesn't put the pressure on me at all. I concentrate extra hard, not wanting to spend the rest of the hour running laps, throw the ball in the air, count my steps, and jump. I watch as the ball passes over the net, barely touching it, and falling with a great big smack on the floor.

Well shit.

Guess I'll be spending my time doing fucking laps.

Candace, Hannah and Monica are the only ones left in the changing rooms when I step out of the showers.

"Gee, I thought you drowned out there" Mon chuckles turning to look at me.

"Might as well do it now before Himbrey does it herself"she chuckles even harder.

"Yeah, well it would definitely ease up the pain but I intend on playing at regionals, and you would definitely loose if I'm not there too hold all your asses up", I tease, tilting up my head to see Han and Candace grinning at me.

"She has been going quite hard on you this season I have to admit, but that doesn't justify her treating you like a piece of shit all the time".

"Have you thought about telling Mikey about it?"

Micheal Carter was our coach since last September. He started coaching after an accident that costed him his career. He was an amazing volleyball player. I've seen tapes. He was captain of his team and led them to victory in 1996. Double CEV champion is surely something to be extremely proud of, however he's extremely humble about it. That's what I like about him. He's calm, knows the game, and coaches us amazingly well.

Coach Himbrey is a little harsher. She's assistant coach but does a great job imposing her authority. I don't even know how Mikey puts up with her crap attitude, because I couldn't possibly handle it. If it would have been me, I would have already smacked a ball in her Swedish little face.

She was also a volleyball player, and also got injured, but much worse than Carter. She got in a car crash and merely survived. When she got out of hospital, she wasn't able to move her knee all the way.

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