Chapter 14

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I come out of practice more energised as ever. I don't know if it's the cup-or should I say tank- of coffee I gulped down this morning or the three energy bars I ate before practice, but I have never have been that dynamic after two hours of pure skating

. I am tired however, a bit, because of exams and stuff. I had my English exams yesterday and chemistry today, and sitting on my ass for 4hours consecutively in a closed room was not my cup of tea.

I really struggled finishing the chemistry one, and just finished writing when the bell rung. I saw Amara leaving early though, so she must have done better than me because when she got up to give it in, I'd barely finished half of my own paper.

I haven't seen her all week. I mean, I spotted her a few times walking fast across the campus, her hair flowing in the cold wind of winter, but I haven't talked to her in a while. I don't really know how to explain it, but I miss her. I miss the way she talks,

I miss her little mocking remarks too, even when she's annoyed, I miss her. I tried texting her, but she replied in a cold way. Since what happened last weekend, I feel like her attitude towards me has changed. I wanted to go see her today, but some boys from the team told me she was having lunch with her mother, so I didn't want to invade.

"Hey guys, want to stop at Hattie's tonight? For a drink or two?" TJ says, interrupting therefore my thoughts.

"Sure!" Some of the guys respond.

"I'm sorry guys, I have loads to do. I have mock exams next week and I really need to study." I answer shooting an apologetic smile to an unhappy TJ.

"Dude. How can we celebrate without our captain?"

"Well let's say you're gonna have to do it without me!"

"How's the tutoring going with that girl? Amara right?" Lucas asks from the bench. Everyone turns around to me, waiting for an answer.

"Uhm" "It's good, she really is helping me."

"Do you two get a long?"Jacob asks.

Uhm let's see. We were friends, then we made each-other come, and no we don't speak. How are things going?

"We're-ehm-friends, well I think at least." I reply.

What were we?

I definitely felt something for her, I just didn't know what it was yet. I didn't even know if I wanted something with her, neither if she wanted something with me. I guess I'll just see we're things go.

The guys head out of the changing rooms, and I follow them. They turn left, and I head right, in the huts direction. As I'm driving, I catch a glimpse in my rear-view mirror of a figure I know well. Amara was sitting on a bench, coffee in hand, wrapped up in her heavy down jacket, her head in her hands.

Was she crying? I stop suddenly and rush out of the car towards her.

When she sees me walking up to her, she immediately dries up the tears up from her inner eye. Her green eyes are puffy, telling me that she has been crying for a little while now, and I quickly sit down next to her. I don't even have the time to ask her what's going on when she buries her head in my neck wrapping her arms around me. I hold her tightly in my arms, fastening my grip around her waist.

"What's going on?" I ask her tenderly. She lifts up her chin and stares right into my eyes.

"My mom happened." she answers, wiping one last tear from her cheek. I really need to cheer her up, because sad Amara isn't my favourite Amara.

"Hey, wanna go grab a bite, and talk about it?" I ask

"Yeah, that'd be nice" she says smiling. I already see you coming. Yes I told to my team I couldn't spend the evening with them because I was busy, but having to cheer up Amara Preston had just become my top priority.

We sit down in a booth, and I sign the waiter to bring us the menus. He hands them over to us, and I direct my attention to the writing on the menu.

"What do you want to eat Mara?" I ask her cheerfully. She takes a split second to drift her attention to me.

"Uhm. I don't know yet." She looks down back to the paper and adds. "I'm not that hungry anyways" she looks more stressed than usual, and I'm still trying to figure out why. She finally makes up her mind, and when the waiter returns, he takes our order: steak and chips for me and a corn salad for her. When the food arrives, I devour it at breakneck speed. When I look up, I see that she hasn't even started her meal.

She's playing with a few kernels of corn with her fork. I try talking to her, and cheering her up but it's no use. What ever is happening in her head must really be bothering her. She rapidly explains what had happened with her mom, and when the check arrives, I pay.

I unlock the car and drive us both back to my house. I open her door, and mimes a chauffeur, opening the door like a perfect gentleman. She slightly smiles to my imitation, and follows me into the house.

I make her sit down on the sofa, and sits myself right next to her. I pull up the blanket that was next to her to her chin and she moves around to make herself more comfortable. I grab the remote control and turns the TV on.

"Mission Impossible?" I ask. She nods, and I press play. I put my arm around her shoulder, holding her close to my chest. She swings her leg over mine, immediately making my cock respond. I'm trying to get over the fact that I'm really hard right now and concentrate on the movie.

When the credits appear on the TV screen, I'm so hard that I could explode at any moment. During the whole movie, she hadn't stopped grinding on my thigh, and it had really gone up to my head, and my dick. She straightens up and turns to me. She looks much happier than when I brought her here.

Mission accomplished.

"I really have to go" she says

"Uhm okay sure. If you want you can stay over here? If you want of course."

"Oh that's sweet" she chuckles.

"I think I'll go home, but thanks for the offer."

She stands up and goes to the door, when I grab her hand. She looks intensely into my eyes, and then at my hand, clasped in hers.

"Hey" I let out.

"It was nice spending time with you." I smile.

"Yeah. It was." I move closer to her, still holding her hand. She plunges her emerald eyes into mine and stands still. A lock of her hair is escaping from her face, so I tuck it back behind her ear. I gently stroke her cheek and pull her even closer to me. I stare intently at her lips, dying to kiss them.

When I move forwards to her, she doesn't pull back, so I gently place my lips onto hers. I kiss her again, but after a few moments, she pulls back.

"I'm sorry Ethan, but I just can't do this."

"Do what?" I ask her confused.

"Be here. Kissing you. It's just- it's complicated" she blurts out.

Excuse me what?

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