Chapter 13

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I shoot out of Ethan's room as quickly as possible. I speed down the stairs, repeatedly knocking over couples of people who were hooking up, mouthing some "sorries" to a bunch of them.

On the way down, I look at myself in the mirror and notice that my hair is all over the place. I have the worst sex hair ever, so I try in the best way to put it back in place.

That'll have to do.

I pass more people, either asleep on couches or passed out on the floor. I really hope neither of Candace or Monica are part of of those zombie-like-drunken people, because I'm not spending the night here, and I'm certainly not driving or getting driven home by a bunch of random people I don't know. I spot the both of them together talking to Timmy and another guy, and I rush towards them.

"Hi" I mutter.

"Hey, where have you been? You disappeared?" I look around the room, confused "Mara?" Candace asks again looking intensely into my eyes.

"Oh. Right, sorry. Uhm. I went to the toilet."

"For half an hour?" She chuckles.


We'd been together for thirty minutes?

"Oh yeah, the queue was very long" I let out awkwardly . This really was the worse lie I could have ever come up with, but my brain had refused to cooperate at this instant.

However Candace and Mon seem to believe so I guess it wasn't that bad.

"Should we go? It's getting late."

"Yeah, let me tell Timmy he has the car keys." After saying goodbye to everyone, we finally leave the house, to my greatest pleasure.

I walk out rapidly from the auditorium, handing in my exam to my chemistry teacher. I rush through the doors and head to the library.

I stop at the cafeteria to buy a latte, as always. I drink it in a half second, and sit down on a chair, pulling it noiselessly from under the table and taking out my things.

I put on my headphones and try and concentrate on the French Revolution but my phone keeps buzzing. I swear if it's Candace begging for answers to the Chem Exam, I'm blocking her, no joke. I look up and my face tenses up.


annoying study date: hey how'd the chem exam go? I saw you leaving early?
annoying study date: hey everything okay?
annoying study date: we haven't talked in a week? Is everything okay?

amara : oh sorry. I've been pretty caught up with stuff

annoying study date: like school stuff?

amara : yea and other stuff.

annoying study date: want to talk about it? over lunch?

amara : I can't today sorry, I really have much to do

annoying study date : you seem oddly weird this week. text me ASAP if things get worse

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