Chapter 10

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"Ouch" I whisper under my breath, as I get smashed across the boards.

We were losing 1-0 against Redwoods University.

But it was only the second period. We were playing well even if we weren't winning, passing swiftly and taking shots at the goal. Jeremiah had narrowly missed the puck that had passed between his legs. I have to admit, it was a magnificent point, even if it wasn't ours.

There was about two minutes before the end of the second quarter, and we had possession. I passed the puck over to TJ that directly passed it in front too Vinnie.

He dribbles perfectly, passing his defender with ease. I accelerate, skating faster on the ice to catch up with him. He sees me and passes the puck over to me.

I grip my stick very tightly and shoot with conviction at the goal, concentrating hard. I watches as the puck  crashed into the back of the net, surrounding me by a wave of noise. 1-1.  My teammates skated rapidly towards, hugging me hard, slapping their stick on my back. I looked happily to coaches direction, and saw him cheering delightedly for me.

A few seconds later, referee blew for half-time. We used the fifteen minute break to review our strategies and game, and then went back on the ice. Third period went by at a rapid speed. We entered fourth period, with pressure on our shoulders, by the fact that we were tied. Redwoods had possession and started making their way to our side.

They skated swiftly between our players and the puck was only a few meters from the goal that Jeremiah was guarding fiercely. The player-I think his name was Markus-hit the puck towards Jere and I saw him pounce on it.

Had it gone through?

Jeremiah got up, holding the puck frantically in his right hand. What an absolutely brilliant save.

We went on with the game, without letting anything deconcentrate us. I checked the score board. There were only three minutes left. It was now or never. I stole the puck from my attackers stick and skated forwards. I saw Matthew ahead of me, calling for the puck. I passed it to him, who received it with splendour. He passed it too Liam, who passed it again to me. I was only a few meters from the goal, but got smashed into by a Redwoods player. In my fall, I passed the puck to TJ, hoping he'd be able to get ahold of it. Being sprawled on the ice, I wasn't able to see if it had gotten in.

But my doubts were quickly allayed when, a few moments later, I heard the cheering of the crowd in the stands. The scoreboard now read 2-1. Whistle blew for time a second after.

We had won.

We all hustled in the centre of the arena, cheering and congratulating each other. I looked up to the stands, and waved to people that were cheering us on.

Then, out of nowhere, I saw Amara, standing there, clapping and cheering happily. When she catches me staring at her, she pumps me huge smile and a big thumbs up, as TJ comes to smack my amicably in the face.

"Good game man" he shouts in my hear, practically bursting my eardrum.

"Yeah. It was a brilliant match. Come on, let's get off the ice to hear what coach has to say." I respond taking off my helmet from my soaking head. When we arrived to the locker room, coach was already there, smiling and talking in an easy voice.

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