Chapter 21

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If he's late, I will literally kill him.

It's 10:02am, and he's still not here. Ethan had  talked me out of going so early to the airport and I met him in the middle going for 10 instead of 9am.

And right now, he was currently two minutes late, no wait three now. I tapped impatiently my foot on the pavement, holding tight to my scarf that was menacing to fly away at the slightest gust of wind. I suddenly heard his car pulling over in the street, and walked actively towards it. I opened the passenger door and stepped inside.

"You're late Crawford." I hissed, throwing my bag on the back seat.

"Good morning to you too." I don't even let him finish his sentence and snap at him.

"We can't miss the flight."

"Geez relax. The only reason I was -what- four minutes late is because I stopped at that bakery you love. Remember ? You told me about it like a month ago, you used to go there every morning before your exams because it made you calm down. Turns out it was more popular than I thought it was because I waited ten minutes in line." He said handing me a paper bag. "I bought you a chocolate croissant."

Oh. He remembered.

I had talked to him about this bakery like an eternity ago and he had remembered? I actually felt bad for reacting the way I did.

"That's actually pretty sweet. Thanks."

"I'm not some kind of monster Amara. I actually listen when you talk, you know that?" He chuckled, taking a huge bite of his croissant. I glared at him whilst he took another one.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go. Buckle up. We don't want to miss our flight, don't we?" He teased.

"Oh, yeah." I mumbled, hiding the fact that I had started to blush with the napkin he had given me. He drove off the street to my apartment and I opened the bakery bag. As I was expecting, a soft, warm scent tingled my nostrils, giving me a sensation of absolute fulfilment. I take a bite, and all of the stress from the weekend, just flew away.

I finished it in one go and rested my head on the headrest. I turned to look at Ethan, that was focused on the busy highway. I watched as his eyes stayed straight in front of him, focusing completely on the road in front of him, as him strong arms grabbed the steering wheel and the grey T-shirt he was wearing hugged his body perfectly. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when he spoke.

"You can stop drooling now Amara." He said in an amused tone. I quickly turned my head away from him and looked awkwardly outside the window.

"You have a crumb on your cheek by the way." He spoke in the same amused tone.

"Ur- thanks." I awkwardly muttered, wiping the crumb away with the back of my jumper sleeve.

"Want to stop for coffee? There's a Starbucks thirty meters away?"

"Yeah, sure."

As if coffee was going to cure the terribly embarrassing atmosphere that reigned in the car. But one could always wish.

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