Chapter 27

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I wake up gently, feeling a light buzz in my lower belly. I'm starting to believe that butterflies are actually living there. I can feel Ethan's strong arm wrapped around my waist as he snores lightly.

He isn't really a morning person. I haven't woken up with him that much, but from what I've heard from him in the morning, him and mornings aren't really a match. I try not to wake him up as I switch to my left side, facing his strong torso.

Since I've woken up, I couldn't stop thinking about last night.

I have feelings for you.

It had been true. I had said the truth, I had feelings for him. But there was something that was stopping me, something I couldn't describe, something that was eating me from the inside.

Something bruising my gut. I had tried so hard to keep it out of the surface, but it was just taunting me, taunting to come back.


"She's stable. We've intubated her. She'll be stable for now."

"Is she going to make it?" I can hear Simeon's voice feebly. I can't move but I can see. My eyes are the only thing I can move. My whole body feels heavy and my head is throbbing horribly.

"Please-please tell me she'll be alright." I hear Simeon cry. His cry rips my heart to pieces. My eyes are now closed, I'm too weak to keep them opened, but I can hear him, distressed next to me.

I hear the faint sound of the machine slow down, beeping sluggishly, as I feel myself going against the hospital bed. I can't hear my heart thumping anymore.

"We're losing her. Bring me. Dr. Michaels!" I can't distinguish this voice. The only voice I recognise is Simeon's.

"What is happening. Please tell me she's still there!"His tears pierce my heart, breaking it into a thousand pieces, I want to get up and hug him but my body prevents me from doing so.

"You're going to have to go sir!"

"Please!" He begs. "Let me stay. I can't loose her."

"Leave. Now. This is an emergency." I don't hear the rest, and collapse into nothingness

"Hey you." Ethan voice makes me jump.

"Oh hi." He looks at me with a stern look in his eyes.

"You look panicked. What's up?" His voice is so innocent it makes me sad. He can't know now. It'll break his heart. It broke Simeon's. .

"Nope. I'm fine. I've slept amazingly" Partly true as he hadn't stopped snoring for an entire hour. But I still sleep amazingly when I'm with him.

"How'bout you babe?"

"Babe?" He looks surprised, but then his face stretched out a big bright smile.

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