Chapter 3

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Waiting for Mr. Strickland to hand in the assignment were I think the longest seconds in my life. I could feel people staring. I concentrated and started writing, and the fear suddenly drifted way, thankfully. I feel like I'm going to do pretty well.

School has always been easy for me, especially English. Writing has always been easy, natural for me. Since I had been a kid, I had a pen in my hands.

When my parents divorced, when I was approximately 8 years old, I didn't really know how to express my feelings, about the divorce and stuff, so I wrote.

Writing soothed me, then volley took over. My teammates have always been there for me, and have always supported me in difficult times. That's what makes our game incredible, it's that we are united. I guess the lack of attention I was getting from my parents was compensated by volleyball.

My parents  weren't really there for me growing up, they were too busy with their jobs, or later on, with the divorce and all. Ironically, they were always there to comment on my matches, the way I played.

The older I got, the more these comments went to my appearance, the way I dressed, and my physique. Thanks to them, I developed an eating disorder, and had to see specialised scientists and nurses and a psychiatrist, for several years.

Now that I'm away from them, it's easier. I still have to see my psychologist, Ms Gunphy, every week. It doesn't bother me more than that, it's routine i guess now.

When I was thirteen, my father passed away from lung cancer, and even if they weren't together anymore, my mother was having a rough time mourning. She stopped working, and passed all her negative energy on to me. The months following his decease were hard, and joint custody was returned to my mother. Five years later, she remarried.

I didn't particularly like Phillip, but I really didn't have an opinion on who my mother dates, or in this case marries. He was immensely rich, probably why my mom married him, arrogant and quite a jerk with me.

He'd sometimes come to my matches, and would always take pleasure talking me down.

However I still owe him the fact that it was thanks to him I got a scholarship at Brookhills UN, he knew people there.

He also aided my mother paying my apartment, so he's not all bad I guess. I finish writing my essay, get up and trot down the stairs of the auditorium. I give in my paper to Mr Strickland as he says quietly.

"Please see me after class is over Ms Preston."I knew what this would be about, for the past 6weeks, I have been tutoring students in need, and he probably needed me to help another, because Chiya, the girl I was tutoring before, left to go study in Canada. I nod silently and go out the door.

I wait till everyone is out from the auditorium, to come in. I feel like I'm being observed so I lift up my head, and to my surprise, I see Ethan Crawford. Ethan is captain of the hockey team, he's huge, at least 6"6 and I would guess all muscles, so it's quite impressive having him bearing up over you.

He stares at me, and I'm guessing he wants to speak to me? Why the hell would Ethan want to speak to me? I mean most of the girls at BHU would give their life to even be considered by Ethan, so speaking to him, god what a massacre.

I don't have a particular opinion on him, but I have to admit, that is one hell of a body. His huge torso, and arms are compacted in a white t-shirt, and he's wearing black jeans.

Very casual, but very hot at the same time. His dark brown hair isn't done, and small bits of it are falling on his forehead. We have an incredibly awkward conversation, so I quickly make my way to the auditorium in front of me.

"I'll let you check the list in the library tomorrow morning Amara." Mr Strickland finishes. I guess he must have found me another person for me to tutor. For the second time today, I go out the auditorium. I head to the stairs, and climb to the cafeteria. I approach the counter to order a blueberry muffin -my favorite-, and a latte, thank the server, and walk away.

I was thinking of studying some more at the library before training, so I put on my headphones and walk away. When I arrive at the library, it's silent. I wave hi to the librarian and make my way. I sit at the back on the left, put my bag down and take out my things. I love not having class in the afternoon, it gives me the opportunity to catch up on homework I'm late for. I turn on the music and get lost in my revisions, listening to Meteorite.

God, where are my keys??

I've been standing in front of my apartment for the last ten minutes, rummaging through my bag. Jade is absolutely right, I have to sort this thing out. I can never seem to find my stuff in it.

Oh, here they are.

I unlock the door and throw my scarf and jacket on the coatrack. "Candace? Jade? Mon? You home?" No response.

I guess Monica must be out with Timothy and Candace must be somewhere on campus, flirting with a hot random basketball dude. I shiver, it's  so cold in the apartment, so I go to turn up the heating.

I quickly tip-toe to my room to go grab a large sweater, because it's really freezing. I walk to the fridge and seize the first OJ carton I see. I unscrew the cap and take a sip.

Ew ew. This is old.

Note to self : Go grocery shopping before the whole fridge turns bad.

I make my way back to my room, and head to my bathroom, wanting to take a shower. I undress and briskly jump in the shower. I wait a half instant for the warm water to come and hang the shower on top of my head. After ten minutes of shampooing and soaking there, I take the shower head and turn the pressure to full pressure.

This week has been pretty harsh, I deserve a moment of pleasure don't I?

I wrap up my body in my towel and sit down on my bed. Wow this shower head can make miracles. Anyways, I am feeling hungry, so I open up my door and step out my room. There is abnormally a lot of noise in the kitchen, there are people everywhere.

Around the counter, around the table and sitting down on the couch. Before I can realise what is happening, eyes land on me, and people giggle. In the crowd, I notice Mon  and Timothy making out in the corner of the dining-room.


I had totally forgotten that Mon had invited Timothy and his friends over. There's guys from the basketball team, from the volley team, and the hockey team- and Ethan-. I grumble, fighting my embarrassment and trying to stop my cheeks from blushing.

It's the second time people -and him for that matter- have seen me walking in wearing much too revealing clothes.

I awkwardly say hi and half turn to go back to my room. Twenty minutes later, my hair is done, I'm wearing casual clothes, and most of all, I am not wearing a towel as a dress, which is already a positive point. I join the crowd, have a drink and start a discussion with this guy whose name is Brody - I think so anyway.

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