Chapter 29

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It's been a month that Ethan and I had been going out and I couldn't be lying if I was saying my life has never been that perfect.

It's truly has been.

Sure my past nightmares have been coming back sometimes but I did didn't pay that much attention to them .

My days were so busy that I didn't really have time to think about them to be honest.

It had been a long time ago, there was no point in racking my brains up.

The semi-final match had been postponed until the end of the week, because the team we were going to play had caught the flu and decided to change the date.

This meant that this week was going to be hard on training.

What's more, my mother and stepfather were getting more and more on my back, you can wonder why?

Fortunately, Ethan was there to support me and cheer me up, playing his role of boyfriend to perfection.

I never thought I'd be in a relationship, let alone with Ethan Crawford, the captain of the hockey team. I'm surprised by this every day.

I was on the sofa in the living room, spread out on the covers, when Candace stormed into the flat.

"I can't fucking believe that bastard," I can hear her swear.

"What's up Candie?" I ask her, half surprised, half amused by her enraged look and her messy ginger hair.

She seems to see my gaze landing on her hair and shrugs her shoulders

"Blizzard", she simply answers.

"Does the weather affect you that much?" I laugh.

She gives me a questioning look.

" You seem annoyed. Is mother nature the cause of that?"

"Oh. No. Alex is arriving a week early and guess what. My mother wants me to give him a tour of campus. Ridiculous."

"Oh I see." I chuckle. Her mood makes sense now. "You better cover your hair and face" I giggle as she rolls her eyes to me.

"If I see frozen yoghurt anywhere, I'm out of there."

I chuckle. Alexander was Candace's childhood nemesis and both despised each other profoundly. They had been neighboors growing up and their parents were best friends. Unluckily for their parents, Alex hated Candace, and same went for Candace.

They kept on pulling stupid pranks on eachother and it drove them mad.

Once, Candace was going on her first date ever with her first boyfriend, and Alexander had found it funny to spill frozen yoghurt all over her face and hair. It took her two hours and three shampoo treatments to get the leftovers strawberry pieces out of her hair.

As you can imagine, Candace didn't find it funny. In short, their relationship was a disaster.

"I do not know how I'm gonna survive this. Help me?"

"You're on your own honey. Keep me posted though."

I hear her hiss and the of slam her door shut.

Right as I'm about to move from the sofa, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I see Ethan's name pop up on the screen and accept the incoming call.

"Hi. How are you Mara?" I hear his voice ask from the speaker.

"I'm fine. Pretty excited for this week's match to be honest. How are you?"

"Oh, yes that's right. I'm sure you'll do great. Same for me, pretty big week coming up."

Ethan and I had both really packed schedules but we still managed to find some time to see each other, even if it was for a half hour or so.

"How do you feel about coming to dinner? I'm free at about seven."

"Sounds amazing."

"Great. I'll pick you up at seven thirty then.

"Perfect, see you in a bit Preston. Love you."

"Love you too."

He hangs up and I smile stupidly at the ceiling. We were now on a "I love you" basis and i was enjoying it. It has been a while since a guy had said "I love you" to me and it felt good having someone say it to you.

Well, it was since Simeon that I had said I love you to someone.

Nope. Not going there today.

I know I had to talk to Ethan about my past one day, I just didn't want to talk about it now. I mean, every thing was going so well between us. I didn't want to break that?

I looked back at my phone screen and checked the time, 11:34 am.


Training was in less than ten minutes and I was nowhere ready as I should be.

"Candace!" I shout at the top of my lungs

She opens her door, and looks at me interrogatively.


"Training's in less than ten minutes. We're going to be late!" I exclaim, running around the appartement, actively looking for my volleyball equipment . "Crap, where are my kneecaps?"

"Shit. I totally forgot. Aubrey's going to be ma-ad"

"I know, we better move our butts."

I look around my room in hope to find my kneecaps, when I feel something hard land in my back. To my greatest pleasure, I see my missing kneecaps and look up to Candace.

"Oops. Had them in my bag"

Five minutes later, we're strapped in Candace's mini, blasting 5SOS on the radio sincerely hoping to get to practice in time.

Candace is driving like a maniac through town, and I'm still questioning how in hell she managed to get her drivers license.

I mean, the examiner must have been severely drunk while passing Candie's driving test, because there's nowhere in hell somebody sane enough would let her drive alone in the streets like that.

But her fast driving allowed us to arrive on campus right on time, and we rushed out of the car like two toddlers on a playground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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