Chapter 2

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I definitely wasn't ready for this. English I could survive, but this, this is far from imaginable.

I'm already extraordinary bad at essay writing, so writing one without studying as a test wasn't going to work well for me. I can only be the one to blame for this lack of studying. I have had the whole weekend to work, but somehow, studying wasn't so important to me anymore. Hooking up with Vanessa Kharl was. I don't even know if this qualifies as a hookup, more like a intimate relation between two highly drunk people.

I can't even remember what happened that night, only that I had a lot to drink, and when I mean a lot, it's that is enough to hookup with a total stranger, and not remember any of it at all. I do know we had sex thought, because as I was waking up, I saw the used condom lying around on my bedside table.

I however couldn't verify this information because, when I woke up, she was gone. I wasn't surprised though, most of the time, I spend the night with a girl, maybe two if I like her, but nothing more, nothing serious. Since I became captain of BHU's Bears, my schedule has shrunk considerably.

I didn't have much time for myself anymore, so having a girlfriend wasn't really my top priority. Moreover, on the side, I have a lot of courses, and how can I say that I do not excel in all subjects, for example English and biology, which is my main subject.

I reach in my backpack to grab my folder, to try and study at the last minute. I know it's bad but what can I do else? That's right nothing. I can only count on luck and maybe Matthew next to me.

Matthew's a hockey player, in my team. He's an amazing player, and most of all, a great friend. He's tall, has brown curly hair and has this funny accent, I think it's Latino, but I'm not sure from where.

"You look like shit man. What happened to you this weekend? You went completely MIA?"he chortles.

"Long story. Let me work man, your distracting me" Matthew nods in approval. He must have been ready for months for this test.


I have never been so focused as today. I'm pretty sure that these ten minutes of last-minute revisions have been the most productive minutes of my life.

I look at the time, eight fourteen, yeah I guess this is it. The bell is  about to ring when, suddenly, the door swings open.

I look up with the thud of the door smashing against the wall. A girl enters in a rush.


She looks beautiful. I feel like I've never seen her in my life, but she's in my class so that must not be the case. She's wearing a tight red top, with a plunging V-Neck that reveals absolutely magnificent breasts. Her long slim legs are covered by tight pants, that I swear were carved out on her body. She's got her hair in a tight ponytail, with small strands of hair that escapes on her face.

I've only seen her from afar, but I just know her face is as beautiful as her body is hot.

"Who is that?" I ask still staring at this girl, which I must stop doing because I've been staring at her for the past minute, and she must definitely think I'm some sort of creep or something.

"Is she new?"

"Nah, man. That's Amara Preston. She's a volleyball player. She's on the team with Makayla and Jade!" Vinnie answers back.

Oh yeah, that's right. I know her. We went to a sports trip together less than a year ago. She looks nothing like I remember though. When she catches us staring at her, she looks down to her feet, tilts her head up and blushes like crazy.

I was right, her face is truly gorgeous. She has light green eyes and long eyelashes. And her lips, oh my god, her lips are such a soft pink that I could watch them forever. I wonder what they taste like too by the way.

I can't really explain it, but I am like mesmerised by her appearance and I can't stop staring at her. I watch her as she sits down awkwardly in her seat, opposite from where I am sat. What were we doing already?

Oh that's right. English.

We were in the last 30 minutes of the exam when the sound of a chair was heard. I don't look up, too focused on my text. I see Matthew getting up with a few others. I check the time, again and again.

When I get out, I see to my amazing surprise Amara, sitting down on the chairs facing the doors. She's typing aggressively on her phone, and her mouth is making a weird smirk. I smile, she looks really hot.

I approach her, finally deciding myself to go talk to her. When she realises I am walking towards her, she lifts up her head and stares at me like I'm carrying the plague. I meet her gaze and her emerald green eyes land in mine, completely destabilising me.

When I try to talk to her, I feel like my heart is racing, which almost never happens to me. "How'd you do?" I stutter. Great way to start a conversation Ethan.


"Excuse me?"

"On the test, how'd you do on the test?".

"Hum, okay I guess" she responds sharply, refocusing her attention on the screen of her phone.

Noticing that this conversation isn't going very far, I try to re-engage, but she cuts me in my tracks.

"What do you want Ethan?" she exclaims snappily.

She knows my name?

Duh, she just said it lamo.

"You know my name?". She looks at me and snickers like it is that obvious.

"Don't act so innocent, everyone knows you Ethan." Okay. She knows my name. I wonder what else she knows about me.

I turn back to ask her hers, but she's gone.

"Dinner at Hattie's tonight?" Vinnie asks the team. The team seems to be okay with it. Everyone's always up for dinner at Hattie's.

She always such a sweet lady and always invested in our personal lives. Maybe too much sometimes, once she asked me how many girls I had had sex with, and it was very out of place, coming from a 68-year-old granny.

Anyways, her place is where me and the team loves to go.

"Hell yeah" TJ shouts popping his head out of the showers, and his whole body for that matter.

"I've been craving a double bacon burger since beginning of practice"

"Cover yourself up dude"Noah says laughing awkwardly, throwing him a towel right to the face. TJ has been my best friend since highschool.

We joined the same schools as well as the same hockey teams. We get along really well, despite his rather playboy behavior. Let's say that he likes to spend quality time, as he says it, with the ladies. But more than that, he is a loyal friend. I remember once, when we were little, he beat up a guy because he said I didn't deserve my place on the team. We pack up our things, wait up on Jacob, and head out the doors.

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