Chapter 25

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I feel heavy as I lay down on my mattress. My legs are sore and my thighs hurt. I couldn't understand what was going on between us. We promised each other that our relationship would not go beyond platonic. I take my leggings off and slip on my pajama shorts. I swallow very hard and feel that my throat is dry.

I get up and move around my kitchen. I take a glass from one of my shelves and am about to turn on the sink to fill it when I hear a knock at the door.

I swear if it's Candace coming home drunk I'm gonna kill myself.

Candace sober was already a handful, so drunken Candace was, well let's say I'm running out of hands.

I walk up to the door and tiptoe to try to look through the peephole, but it's too dark. I grumble as I unlock the door. To my greatest surprise, I see the figure I know so well, black eyes piercing through mine.

"E-Ethan?" I stutter and swallow. "Wh-what are you still doing here?"

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