Chapter 1: Sense of Darkness

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"Suzie, you ready for the first day of your elementary school?" Peter questioned Suzie. Suzie turned to him slowly with his hands on her stem.

She was nervous, Peter and Carl could tell..

"Suzie, you know we could tell that your nervous, Eh?" Carl said with his leaves on her arms. Peter nogged Suzie, with a gentle push.

Suzie face turned crimson red, with her heart beating faster and faster.. What could possibly go wrong?

Few minutes later..

Suzie and her friends made it to the...

"Elementary school!?" Suzie exclaimed with her hazel eyes small. Peter nodded his head so did Carl, Peter grinned at Suzie.

Suzie's face turned really red, this time.. She wasn't blushing because of Peter...

Peter smiled at her.

"Let's go in Suzie! Come on!" Yelled Peter, He dragged Carl's and Suzie by their arms, into the school.

Suzie's POV

Me and Peter, Carl's were at our classroom. I sat in the front next to this flower. She was a stuffy flower, her name was Suki. Just like my name.. Suzie and Suki..

Kinda similar. I was looking front at the white blank board. The teacher Penelope, she was a human, Like our owner Crazy Dave.. There was this glowing flower name Norianna, She was in front of the class introducing herself and-

"Sunflower! It's your turn come up!" Yelled Penelope out of now where. Suzie jumped, I was very shy, Infront of Peter and Carl, even worser..

"O-ok.. I'm coming up.. here I go...." Suzie quietly said. Penelope smiled and let out her hands, "Come on.. It's okay, I'll stand right here with you..."

Suzie stood up, every plant girl stared at her. Norianna smiled at her brightly. I smiled back at her back with a sightly grin.

"You got this Suzie!" Norianna mouthed whispered to her. Suzie winked at her, with a sightly blush.

She took a deep breath, and then spoke,

"Hi everyone! My name is Suzie.. I am a bright friendly flower!" Suzie blurted out shyly. The boy plants looked at her with a smirk and blush.

Suzie looked around. She was pretty new here, Didn't know what expect.

Unless she could feel the sense of one of the boys in her class darkness..

"What could g-go... wrong?" Suzie quietly said softly, with her eyes twitching.. and the lights flickering as the screen got closer to her..


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