Chapter 9 - Maria & Suzie..

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(Maria is a Marigold, aria is Suzie's sister (They the same age (12)


Maria was tied up against a wall.. Suzie had her eyes shut, she wasn't sleeping or anything. Norianna struggled her way out, it didn't work so she just started panting. "Hey? Suzie" Maria whispered, "you awake?" Suzie didn't respond her eyes still closed, Suzie had tape on her mouth with her head down.

"Suzie?" Maria asked, "Are you there?"

"Hellooooooo" Maria whispered loudly "Ok, Suzie, no more jokes! Quit it! It's me your sister..."

Suzie had her eyes still close..

"Ugh if you are going to be ignoring me, I'll just *scoffs* leave without you!" Maria shouted.

She struggled to get out, "Hugh I got this!! and-

"Who you talking to honey?" Tyler said out of now where.

Maria looked surprise she quickly looked at Suzie. and looked into the darkness..

"Who are you! Show yourself!!" She yelled.

"It's me Tyler... Well seems to turn out Suzie was passed out... I knocked her out, and your going to be next... I wasn't expecting you to react like this, hmmm.... maybe I should knock you out as well..." He replied.

Maria quickly shook her head, "No no no no!! NOO!!"

Maria's screamed echoed...

That woke up Peter, Carl and Norianna also Pea..

"Where's Suzie?" Questioned Nori, while rubbing her sleepy green eyes.

Pea shrugged his shoulders, "Wait Suzie!!" he echoed.

"She's missing!!" he yelled.

Out of now where Pea started to Panic! Gosh! was there something he could do to save Suzie? She was already gone, off to warn the zombies. Aiden was awake, Pea could here him doing his moaning noise as he woke up and he was mumbling Suzie as he slept. Man, he made it obvious that he has a crush on Suzie. Just admit it, Pea always thought.

But he had to save Suzie, his best friend.. Carl's face turned into a frown.

Norianna started to sigh in a disable sigh. How could a lovely flower end up in a situation like this?

"Peter you got an idea??" Norianna let out.

The room was silent. Suzie was the only one missing another flower was too, Maria...

How would they save her? Norianna finally said..

"We need to save Suzie...."

"Like fast.. They could do something to her.."

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