Chapter 2: Victim for Love..

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The school bell ringed, loud enough for Suzie and the class to hear. The class got up and pushed their seats in their desk. They dashed out of the room squeezing Suzie.

Suzie's friends quickly ran to her, and helped her.

"Suzie! are you okay? Those jerks think they owe you, but they don't..." Peter said with his pea pods on Suzie's chin.

Suzie blushed.

"Yeah those jerks do think the same!" Carl's yelled. Suzie blushed, there being...


"Come on Suzie, the sun is blazing brightly! Let's go outside and play!" yelled Peter. Suzie smiled with her friends and walked with them. She leaned her head on Peter. She likes him, he very kind just as Carl.

At the Park..

Suzie saw Norianna with Noah, Noah kissed Nori gently. Pearl and Elijah smiled, they looked at Suzie, just stunned staring at Noah and Nori.

"I hope I don't get kissed, like that? Nuh-uh.." Suzie gently said with her hands by her side. "Suzie! Hello~" Norianna called out.

Suzie turned to Nori. All she saw was Nori running towards her, for a quick hug. They were friends, Suzie and Nori. They both smiled brightly, but sightly.

"I have to use the restroom guys.. I'll be right back.." Suzie shyly said. She walked back into the school. Suzie paused...

She saw a gang they were boys.. 5 boys! Suzie paused, her heart started to race, fast, she was worried. They might caught her, she'll be busted!

Suzie crouched down and she crawled to the corner. To listen to their conversation.

"Oh crap.. here come's the danger.." Suzie whispered very quietly to herself.

"Hey, you heard of that s*xy flower? Suzie..?" A plant called out. he was a agent pea.. which know as


His other friends, Flames, Tyler and Carlos the Commando pea.. Rocky the Rock pea. Those were his 4 friends.

They thought Suzie was a pretty flower, she had a white skirt and a pink bow, with white hearts on it. Suzie was a s*xy flower to them..

Suzie was after all a lovely name to mess with a type of flower. Besides, she was in the corner. Aiden turned around to see Suzie..

She was busted, it's over, too late.. Suzie quickly pulled herself into the corner. Her heart was beating faster and faster, She started breathing softly, for them not to hear her.

"Hello... Suzie~" Aiden called out, he let out his pea pods. Suzie screamed high pitched, not too loud.

"AAAA! BEST FRIENDS HELP!" Suzie called out, "CARL AND PETER HELP-" The boys covered Suzie's small mouth. He wanted to touch her, but she got knocked out.

Warning: Slight Lemon! Inapporite part for kids!!

They all took her to the bathroom, Aiden looked under her skirt, he saw her....


Aiden smiled and blushed. Suzie woke up in surprise, She was breathing heavily. Suzie didn't know where she was!

She was stuck in a...

"I'm stuck in a basements!! Help!! Since when did schools have basements!! Eeeek!!" Yelled Suzie. The boys appeared with her..

Suzie will be dealing with problems.. not just problems.. Real problem's..

Suzie blushed.. with her freckles, and her sun-kissed lovely face, with her lovely cute hazel eyes..

What problems could she face next? Suzie is there next...

Victim.. for Love..


Thanks for reading my cringy... story so far! I love u guys, you mean a lot! Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy.. Chapter 3 will come out later, but tomorrow probably!


Send help for Suzie! What a poor little flower.. She's cute but she might think of a plan!

Coming out soon, Stay tuned out, in meanwhile you could check on my other published stories!

Have a awesome Day/Evening or night! <3


Love, The author..


Suzie (Sunflower * Peter (Peashooter * Carl (Chomper!



Who did Suzie got flirted or F**ked by? Can you guess without going back..?

Funny Fact: I forget all the boy gang names (Lol)

Don't make fun of me ;-;

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