Chapter 10: On My Own....

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Peter started planning his plan out, to save Suzie and Maria.. How could he never help his best friend, Oh no.. She might get mad at him out of now where and Maria starts yelling all crazy acting like Fiona or Sadie.. Saying, Why you didn't got us sooner? we would've been dead if you wouldn't! Crazy or something like.... be for real and get it together!! Pea looked at bit scared. He bet Suzie was scared for her life. and Maria... She would've been trying to get out...

"Suzie!! I have to help you!" Peter whispered loudly.

"What??" Norianna asked.

She looked confuzzled. Norianna looked at in the far distance, she saw the door open slightly. She sighed. "Pea? You know where.... *Gulp* Suzie is..?" She asked.

"She got stolen from the gang.. You guys with me to save Suzie and Maria..." Pea said.

Norianna nodded, Carl's nodded like fast and mostly all of the plants in the room. They all knew Suzie, there best friend. Suzie was a wonderful good friend, she was a lovely beautiful flower. Suzie was pretty attractive and cute just like other flowers. Many people find Suzie who is a very good flower at getting plant boys, she half the time like playing with boys more than girls. Suzie smokes half the time, not all the time. She usually wears crop tops like, Solar flare. Suzie's cousin.

"Suzie is pretty hot....." Peter quietly said..

Norianna looked at him with suspicion in her eyes. She really didn't like other boys messing around and fricking with Suzie, Norianna wants a boy that would never hurt Suzie's heart... Never... She likes seeing her best friend Smile, Laugh with joy and make jokes like she use to when she was little, and she wants her to be playful and friendly. Norianna has never ever saw Suzie angry or sad...

Except when she was a little baby flower. She was pretty friendly and she loves to make friends especially other new flowers like, a shadow flower, mystic flower and many more!

"Lets just get to planning, Suzie and Maria could be hurt any minute now..." Peter said.

Norianna replied, "Yeah Peter is right... Let's just help Suzie and her sis Maria..."

Norianna sighed.

"Her sister?" Carl's replied, "How they are sisters, I thought they were Cousins... That's what Nori told me..."

"What?? No!! You thought that first! Because you are Stupid! Your a Chomper!" Norianna shouted with a whisper... Angrily..

"Hey! Who you calling stupid? Dumb-

"Carl's! Don't you dare say that A word! and Norianna..." Peter said, "Don't call Carl's stupid, he finds it offensive... I guess..."

Norianna glared at him, with her eyes glowing as her head was a bit down.. She seemed angry... So did Carl's he was looking at Norianna from side eye view. peter could tell that they don't even like each other or they don't even want to see each other's childish face.

"Stop glaring at me you purple monster!" Norianna angrily said..

"Ugh.... forget don't wanna save Suzie.... Then I'm on my own.."

"Peter, That's stupid Nonsense!" Carl's yelled.

Peter sighed, he had to save Suzie.....

"Well I'm doing it, since you guys just want to sit here and fight all day," He told, "Acting like you don't have a friend in need, Suzie,"

"Shut up!" carl's yelled.

Norianna had that "._." face she took her phone and started recording, 'Two best friends fighting over who shall save Suzie..."

Peter and Carl's looked at Norianna..

"Stop recording you-

Peter ran up to Norianna and he was moving the camera making sure that the camera doesn't record Peter and his friend. "Stop recording Bastard!!" Norianna didn't listen she kept trying to wave the camera in the air, She flapped her wings and started flying.

Peter grabbed Norianna's leg, She fell straight down and banged her head on the floor.


Norianna rubbed her head and she apologized, "Sorry guys... just wanted to show Suzie..."

Peter nodded his head, "I'm on my own guys, stay here and guard the house...

I'll be back, with Suzie..."

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