Chapter 4: Talking about the Forest..

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Suzie was walking to her dorm with her friends, Suzie looked at her dorm mates. Suzie was dorming with Aiden, Peter and Carl's. "Why is Aiden in our dorm?" Question Peter.

Suzie shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know why, hoping he won't do anything weird or scary..

"let's just.. *Sighs* go to our dorm.." Suzie said nervously.

Suzie's POV

Me and my friends walked towards our room, Aiden was getting undressed and putting his pj's on. I sighed as I sat up on my bed. The dorms were nice, at least there was big spaces.. and it's half the time quiet. My friend Norianna knocked on the door, I believe it was her.. I smiled and I got up.. I fell of my bed and hit my head. Norianna was worried she grabbed out her phone and she called Peter, quickly.. I was bleeding slightly, on my face. I had a scratch, my plant blood was green and my vision getting blurry and blurry.. I closed them and then passed out. I had too much blood coming out...


"Carl's can you pass me my phone, and please check who is calling me!" Peter shouted, Peter was getting ready. "Alright!" Carl's shouted back.

"It's Norianna Peter!" Carl's said as he busted the door wide open. "Ah dude, what the f**k! Close the damn door bruh!" Shouted Peter. Carl's closed the door slowly, he put Peter's phone on the desk, and he dash away.

He knew what this meant.. He's going to get beat up!

Not like beat up...

Peter sighs.

He picked up his phone, all he heard was Norianna panicking like crazy.

"Peter! peter! Y-you-your best f-friend she's-

"Woah woah woah! Calm down Norianna, take a chill peal or deep breathes, what ever helps! Say that again please?" Peter said gently.

"Ok ok, Peter, Suzie, I heard a thud and I'm not sure if you heard I-

"Wait what! A thud.. Since when you heard a thud? Why are you at our dorm anyways?" Questioned Peter. Norianna paused, "O-oh umm.. I'm here to pick up Suzie and all of you.." Nori stuttered.

"Where? Tell me, why you taking us late a night by the way?" Peter questioned.

"To the... *Gulp* forest...." Norianna quietly said. Peter was shock, "You trynna give Suzie a heart attack or a Cesar? What's up with you? She's your


Friend!" Peter said. Norianna sighed, "Just let me in... The other plants can wait outside, it'll be too crowed with them anyway..."

"K hold on Nori, Carl's will be there." Peter said gently.

"Ok... I'll just wait then..." Norianna said as she hanged up. Peter put his phone on the desked and walked away. "Carl's go get the- SUZIE! OH MY GOSH!" Yelled Peter.

"Dude... Dude... It wasn't my fault... If you are going to say that.." Carl's stammered. Peter took a deep breath and he ran to Suzie, "I'll deal with Suzie, Go get the door Nori is there.."

"Why the hell, Norianna is there?"

"No time to explain, just go! I'll tell you later." Peter quickly said and dashed away. Carl's sighed, he walked towards the door.

"Oh hey Nori!" Carl's welcomed. Norianna smiled, as she walked in. "Where's Norianna? Are you dressed?" She questioned. Carl's was confused, he look straight into her eyes.

"Oh.. My... Gosh! Did Peter tell you where we are going?" Norianna exclaimed, "We're going to a forest all of us!"

Carl's was surprised, "Oh then... Don't you think he should've told me before..?" He questioned.

Norianna sighed, "Just go get ready, if you are not, Get Aiden and the others and WAIT-" Carl's paused as he was walking away.

"Can you tell Peter.. to um... quicken up please, just patch her up, and then we are leaving, Ok got that?" Nori said. Carl's nodded, "I got it, I'll tell Peter, Aiden's already ready."

Norianna smiled, "Thanks Carl's.." She said sweetly. "No problem Nori." He smiled.

"Suzie... Can you hear me? Darling?" Peter said gently. Suzie opened her eyes sightly, she saw Peter.. "P-Peter? is that you?" Suzie stammered, struggling to get her words together.

Peter nodded with a yes.

"Th-thanks.. Peter, no one has ever saved me! Your a hero!" Suzie exclaimed as she hugged Peter, on his chest.

Peter's face started turning a crisom red, and his heart beating faster, and faster. Suzie hugged him tightly, Peter sighed, and he hugged her back


"Guys! wai- Ayo... peter you have a crush?" Carl's chuckled. Peter shook his head quickly.

he blushed a crisom red. Suzie smiled at him, she put her mouth on his cheeks.

"alright Suzie, Suzie.. Enough please...." Peter said, "I'm a tomato...." he said quietly.

Peter put his hand towards his heart, and started smiling. Suzie talked with Carl about the forest..

"Well we are have the forest talk.. Suzie... you like forests?" Carl's questioned.

Suzie's heart started beating rapidly, and her breathing quickened... She likes forest but the bad thing was,

The zombies...

"What if the zombies come, then what? We will have no where to run... We'll just be... *sighs* dead..." Suzie said with a negative voice tone..

Her voice was soft as if a lovely kitten could speak, she sounded like soft as a kitten could speak.. She was cute... Now she's just not

surprised anymore..


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