Chapter 11: Saving Suzie...

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Peter walked down the stairs, He heard some voices down stairs. "I think I found Suzie and Maria!" Peter whispered to himself. He tip toed slowly towards the door and he peeked his green self in there. "Suzie.. Psst.." He whispered. Suzie didn't respond, Maria looked at him slowly, "Peter?" She whispered, "What are you doing here? Get out!" Peter replied, "I'm here to save you guys..." Maria looked at Suzie. Suzie might be passed out.. Or she got knocked out.. Maria thought to herself. She could be right, But actually she was. She got passed out a few hours ago..

"How? What happened?" Peter whispered with a questioning voice.

Maria replied, "Probably the gang? I don't know... I wasn't apart of this.."

Peter sighed.

"Well.. Here catch these!" Peter whispered.

Maria used her eyes to catch the scissors, She used them to cut her self and Suzie. "Thanks Peter!" Maria whispered. Peter grinned, "Go get Suzie! So we can bust outta here!" He whispered loudly. Maria nodded her head.

"I got her let's go..." Maria replied.

Suzie opened her eyes with the tape on her mouth, Suzie tied up and tears began to fall down her face. She squinted her eyes.

"Mmmm!" She mumbled.

"Suzie!" Peter excitly said.

Suzie looked at Peter and she looked at Maria.

"Mhm Mhm Mhmmm?" She asked.

"Oh I'll take you back to the dorm and I'll put your sister in her dorm and-

"No!" Maria shouted, "Can I live with you guys?"

"I guess.." Peter replied.

Soon enough, they were at the dorms.

"Suzie!!" Norianna shouted.

"Suzi!" Carl's shouted.

Norianna ran with her arms out. "Why she still tied up?"

"Oh I'll untie her right now..." He said, "What's the time?"

"It's only 6:39 am... on Saturday.." Carl's responded.

Peter nodded. He walked and closed the door behind. Peter started to untie Suzie, He took the tape off her mouth.

Suzie started Gasping for air, "Thanks.... for.... saving me.... Peter..." She said with out of breath.

Suzie hugged Peter.

Peter hugged her tightly and he never let go...

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