Chapter 5: Forest..

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Suzie walked out of the door holding Peter's hand. "Peter are you sure this a good idea?" Suzie asked. Peter nodded his head with a grin. Suzie smiled sightly, "Guys, over here!" Yelled Norianna. The plants all ran towards Norianna's voice, she was in a tree holding something that glows. "Look what I found! A glowing necklace, it's yellow and it has...

Suzie's name?" Norianna curiously said. Noah looked at Peter, then at Nori. "Suzie's name? Hand it over, or toss it whatever."

Norianna nodded, she threw the necklace in Noah's hand, it was true. He saw Suzie's name, the necklace had a sunflower with a pink and white dotted bow.

Suzie was shock.

"Guys! That might be my necklace..." She shouted.

"Shhh.." Nori shushed her, "Don't shout or else-"

"Or else what..? Zombies... Well... If they come what we do, run? We wouldn't even stand a chance!" Suzie whispered loudly.

Norianna sighed, "Lets go, over there!"

The plants walked over where Nori was pointing straight at.

"Suzie here, put your necklace on.." Peter whispered.

Suzie nodded.

She walked and tried to find the chain to open so she could put on her necklace.


"Uh... What- why is it glowing?" Suzie muttered.

"EeeK!" She yelled.

Suzie began to grow her leafy wings. "Wha-What's happening to me?" She questioned.

Suzie got her fuzzy cat tail, and her brown cat ears.. Whiskers and a..

animal nose..

Suzie opened her hazel eyes gently.. "AH! I'M A.." Suzie yelled. "*Gasp* Cat?" She muttered.

She looked behind her seeing her brown tail and looked on top of her. She touched her head, She had furry cat ears.

"wait! I can't show up to my friends.." She shouted, "Like this, Nuh-uh!"

"How.. do I get these stuff off!" She screamed with panic.

"Probably I'm scared? Oh! I get it!" She whispered, "I'll use my wings, so I could meditate, Let's see what that'll do!"

Suzie opened her wings, she flew up the sky and crossed her plant feet. She strected out her plants arms.

Poof.. Thud..

Suzie fell on the floor. She looked around her she wasn't no cat anymore!

Suzie sighed, "I guess I can't get scared or.. probably angry?" She titled her head, and walked to where her friends have been..

Bad news... "Which path... they went on..?" She muttered.

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