Chapter 13: True Love...

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"So what's the plan Norianna?" Peter said using his hyper. Suzie looked at her, while she was running... Norianna sighed, "The plan?" Peter replied, "Yeah..." Norianna responded back, "I'll tell all of you when we get to the front door of the school..."

Suzie tripped on something..

"Ahh... Oof..." She grunted..

"Suzie!" Peter yelled.

He ran to Suzie with hyper speed. "You okay?" He asked. Suzie nodded her head. She started to cough and she sighed.

"Suzie... are you there??" He questioned..

She didn't look okay, Suzie looked as if she was going to vomit or die on Peter and her other friends... "I'm okay Peter..." She replied.

Peter sighed with relief, "I'm glad your okay... I could carry you..."

Suzie giggled and she nodded her head.

Peter blushed a peach color. He put his arms around Suzie's stem and she put her arms around Peter's neck. Peter started jumping in the air with Suzie.

"Guys! Wait up!" Peter yelled.

The plants paused. Norianna looked behind her and she gasped.

"Oops....." Whispered Suzie softy, and Peter quietly...


The plants were groaning except Norianna.. She was just standing there, and she helped them all up. Noah grabbed Norianna's hand as she helped him up...

"How this happened?" Asked Carl's..

Suzie and Peter were lying together. Suzie was next to Peter's chest and Peter was a bit taller than Suzie, his head was on Suzie's. Peter also had his hands around Suzie's stem, While Suzie had her plant hands on Peter's shoulder.

Peter groaned.. So did Suzie..

they looked like they were cuddling the night before....

"Norianna?" Maria whispered, "I think Peter has a crush on Suzie... He should confess, and we should tell Suzie.... Peter has been acting really affection with Suzie lately..."

Norianna replied with a whisper, "Yeah I know... I'll tell Suzie and you too...."

"When?" Maria asked with a whispering voice.

"Probably tomorrow..." She replied back.. (Norianna was whispering..

When Peter woke up, he felt something soft.... and it was Suzie.... His brown eyes were small and he blushed a red...

Suzie woke up and she felt a Plant's shoulder.... and it was Peter.. Suzie's hazel eyes were small and she blushed a pinkish peach.

Suzie felt her heart beating faster, while Peter felt his too...

"Peter....." She mumbled..

"Suzie?" Peter whispered.

Suzie and Peter looked as if they were going to kiss each other... Suzie smiled and Peter did too... "We could do this later Suzie.... we need to kill these zombies..." Peter said...

Suzie nodded. They both sat up and looked at Maria who was happy to see her Sister with a guy who was perfect for Suzie... Peter...

Suzie has found her

true love...

"Ok! Let's get this over with.. so Peter and Suzie can have there time together..." Whispered Maria..

The plants started running outside of the school, there was a bunch of Peashooters, Sunflowers. Cacti's and Chomper's..

There were thousands of plants waiting for the endless war of swarm zombies..

"So what's the plan Norianna?" Asked Noah..

"Here's the plan guys... So Suzie... you try to plant some heal flowers and try to shoot zombies.. Peter you will try to help Suzie with the flowers and you use your chilly bomb incase if Suzie is in trouble... Carl's you will try to eat one zombie while Maria try's to heal you when you are chewing.. and Noah and I will be helping you guys... especially you Carl's..." Norianna explained, "Every plant you got that?"

The plants replied, "Yep! Totally.."

"Ok... Let's rock!" Norianna said, smiling.

The plants all high fived each other smiling...

"We got this..." Noah said...


Noah is a plasma pea, Norianna's boyfriend...

(Just if u are new to the story <3

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