I'm not dead :c (Good news as well!)

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Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry everybody! I should've been on the next season and been have finished this whole book! I totally forgot! I'm so sorry!!!

I realized that was SOOO distracted and forgot about my Wattpad! I hope none of you are mad at me... U have a reason to be...

I was very busy with other stuff, like getting my squad animation ready.. because one of my friends in my squad asked when I'll be making the animation and making the cover! This animation will be out over the weekend (Ahem, this weekend!

So I will be making a Kylie (Me

and Max who is my boyfriend (ethnically friend because usually I really am single but now I'm not, but we are friends half the time :>

I know half of my squad members are asking me this

"Kylie? when u gonna write the animation?"

"Kk when u doing it?? Omg I'm so excited!!"

and my sister Kiki over here asking me,

"Suki, Will you be taking a break from that so called.. story and making our animation?"

and another one saying,

"Are you dead? Kylie? U good??"

and I'm over here replying, "Yes... yes I am... I'm fine, just stressed out ;-;


The animation was supposed to been out, but right now it's not, I'll be making the chapters and the title name, I might have to look for a pink cat, or just print out my drawings for my covers.. :>

(A lot of work..

Like it's a lot for me... I have to make this on youtube and I have to make the covers, the chapter pictures and I have to draw the ROBLOX avatars!

A lot of work!!

Thanks for reading and I hope you understand!!

Please don't get angry at me and start texting me....

Thank You!


By: Kylie Katsuski

I'm probably gonna do that before I start my season 2 of "Feeling your sense"

I apology for all the stuff that is going on! Thanks for being patient and thanks for all the reads, means a lot me and you guys!

I never knew I would make it this far...

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