Chapter 7 - Suzie's secret..

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Suzie's POV

As soon as me and my friends walked inside the school, I walked to my dorm, with my friends behind me leading them to my dorm. I really didn't know what we were going to do, I was pretty Stupid and Dumb. I walked up to my dorm, and I opened it to let my friends in first. Aiden wasn't really my friend. in the dorm and closed the door behind her. Peter walked up to Carl's and started talking something exciting out loud.. Carl's rolled his eyes, he did a face palm and thought to himself,

Why me, Dude..

I thought it was funny what Carl's had thought and- Wait a minute... I just took a moment to myself to think this...

Suzie's Thought:

I could read his thought, Dude what the hay? This is nuts! I can find out what Aiden and his gang are saying stuff about me! This is sick!

End of Suzie's Pov..


"Suzie? You alright..?" Peter asked me, Looking at me concerned, "You look a bit... surprised.."

I responded to his concerned looking face, "Oh it's nothing!" She chuckled nervously, "I'm just really excited for bed time... an-and probably tomorrow morning.."

Suzie chuckled nervously, The shine in her Hazel eyes, began to be darken up.

Something was up....

Mostly every plant in my dorm was staring at me, As if they knew something wasn't right about me. Norianna sighed and she stared at me.

I could feel myself getting lower and lower... Like if I had been heartbroken.. But it wasn't that, I was scared to confess what was going on.

Now that I could read minds... It's pretty strange if I tell my friends, They might even spread it to the whole school.. I'll just be made fun of, and that will now become a rumor..

Nobody on this plant earth is ever going to believe in a such thing of "Reading Minds.."

Many plants in this school just thought that was a stupid old myth, that now doesn't exist anymore..

Suzie knows this myth is still spreading around her, beyond her.. and her friends...

"Suzie!" Aiden yelled, She could tell he was angry and confused. At the same time, "Why would you be excited to go to bed!"

It was silence, my friends were waiting for answers, Especially Carl's.. His mouth was a frown and he looked a bit angry.

Suzie was frightened..

I couldn't stand up for myself..

"I- I don't know... It's normal to me.." Suzie stammered nervously.

"Eh..." Peter murmured..

I looked at him quickly.

I sighed, "I'm probably excited for tomorrow..."

Aiden did a face palm, right Infront of my face. I had a nervous grin, I was moving my eyes left and right. grinning very nervously, I felt my face getting hot, Hope it's not so obvious..

"Suzie! That's very stupid.." Aiden replied, "Zombies might come tomorrow! Anything could happen!"

"This is serious Suzie! It's not FUNNY!!!" Aiden shouted in a funny way.

I looked in the far distance as he yelled at me. I wasn't even focusing on the subject he was telling me about the zombies being here..

That would be a mess.. Not just a mess... A big mess..

"I'll just go to bed.." Suzie shyly said.

Norianna sighed as she looked at Aiden, He shrugged his shoulders. So did Nori..

Peter walked towards my bedroom. I slammed the door and locked it.. I've never knew that the zombies would come...

I wouldn't even stand a chance..

"I'm just a basic stupid flower.. Aiden is right... what if zombies come... Tomorrow" Suzie panicked, "I just got to calm down...

"It's okay Suzie..." Suzie gently said.

"I'll show them what I'm made of... I'm not made of no Stupidness..." Suzie gently said, "This shortie is not all about stupid.."

I knew someday I'll show them..





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