Chapter 8 - Well Hello There..

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The next morning was a bit cloudy, it looked as if it was going to rain. The sky was covered in clouds and it was in shades of purple. Suzie rubbed her eyes, She yawned and stretched. Suzie walked towards her window, she opened the curtains and she saw the sky cloud, purple and looked like it was going to rain. Was Aiden correct? Suzie couldn't believe her eyes, she rubbed them again, She must be dreaming! Oh no! Zombies... Can it be? Aiden could've been right yesterday! But how did he knew? Zomboss might be thinking of a wonderful plan to capture or kill all of us! Suzie had to warn the whole school to get in position for this zombie war.... But how?

"I should've been ready!" Suzie whispered loudly to herself, "If I would've knew sooner, the school wouldn't been in a bad position now.."

Suzie speed walked outside, She made sure she had everything.. Suzie went to get her phone, Incase she got to make any calls with Peter, Carl's, Norianna and Aiden.. Suzie walked outside of her dorm, She shut the door quietly making sure she don't wake any of her plant friends up.. Suzie walked, as she checked the time on her phone.

"It's 7:54 am?" Suzie whispered, "I don't think any plants are awake!"

Suzie sighed, "How will I be able to warn them all?"

Suzie bumped into somebody, Her eyes were closed. As a familiar plant hand helped her up,

Suzie gasped, as she looked up

"Well Hello there, Suzie.." Flames said, smiling.

She looked at the gang, She has saw in the first part... Flames was holding a rope, Tyler was holding a bat (Getting ready to hit Suzie) Carlos holding tape.

Suzie started to panic, She tried running away. Flames threw the rope at Suzie's plant feet. Suzie twirled and she fell on the floor with her eyes closing sightly.

She passed out.

Flames walked towards the flower, He saw she had a phone right in her flower hands. Texting Aiden. Flames began to be nosey enough to read there text messages..

Text Messages (Between Suzie and Aiden)

Suzie: Aiden, I'll be stepping out. Please tell my friends..

Aiden: (Didn't reply, He's still sleeping)

"Since when did Suzie had Aiden's number?" Flames whispered, "Carlo's hold Suzie, I'll go sneak to get Aiden.."

"Bad idea dude, your going to get busted.." Carlo's replied with a whisper, "One creaky floor or a drop your *Gulp* Dead.."

Flames scoffed, "Pbhht, Watch me.."

Carlo's and Tyler looked at each other.

Just in seconds Flames disappear, and he was in the dorm already.

"I doubt that he'll get busted-

"I got him guys!" Flames whispered loudly.

"Lets go to the school's basement then, with Suzie!" Carlo's whispered happily.

Suzie was still passed out in Carlo's pea pod hands.

"I'll lead.." Tyler whispered, "Wait No! Maria! Let's get Maria, the marigold!"

Tyler ran to get Maria, who was sitting with her phone in her light green hands. Tyler snatched her up and he walked, he put tape in her mouth, and just let her muffle scream on his shoulder.

"Now we can go.." Tyler said.

"Why we need Maria?" Questioned Flames..

"Oh you'll see..." Tyler replied.

Suzie was passed out, except Norianna...

What they going to do with these two cute flowers?

"Norianna is cute, like Suzie.." Tyler whispered.

His gang smiled and chuckled evilly..


Note from: Kylie Kasuki!

Hello guys! Chapter 9 will be out in minutes, I'll be writing it up! So far I'm really excited, because you guys made my day by giving me all these reads! I really don't know how to tell ya! But all I could think of is to say Thank you so much!!!


Thanks So Much Kitty's!

(Chapter 9 is coming tomorrow! Thanks for all the support!!

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